Chapter 20

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"What happened to her!" Olivia yelled.

You should ask your brother about that. I thought to myself.

"She faced continuous burning on her wrists and neck. She also hasn't eaten for over two weeks. If this had continued any longer, she would have died." The doctor explained. I heard a gasp escape past Olivia's lips.

"I know who did this." I heard her say before I heard her barge out of the room.

Orion's POV

"What did you do to her!" Olivia screeched as she barged into my office. I placed my finger over my lips and shushed her loudly.

"Calm down Olivia. What did I do to who?" I started. There was no way she was talking about Rayna, she hasn't even met her.

"Calm down! Don't tell me to calm down! What did you do to Rayna, Orion. I'm not going to ask again!" She continued to yell which only made me even more mad.

"That's enough yelling Olivia." I said sternly, hoping she'd stop but I guess not.

"You put her in the dungeon didn't you! You put your own mate in the dungeon! How dare you! Who do yo-"

"I SAID ENOUGH!" I yelled while standing abruptly and slamming my fists onto the desk. She was taken aback by my yelling but I had to get her to shut up before I went over the edge. Her eyes became glossy with beads of tears in the corners. Her lips were trembling. I closed my eyes and took deep breaths in an attempt to calm myself. Once I did, I loosened my fists and sat back down into the chair.

"I'm sorry Olivia." I said genuinely. "I've been on edge since I found out about Rayna's condition. And to answer your question, yes, I did put my own mate in the dungeon." She was shocked at my words. The beads that were once in the corners of her eyes started to slip down her face.

"Why would you do that?" She asked. "Why would you do that to the person you're ment to be with forever." She whispered.

"No one understands." I said. "I can't be with her."

"Why not?" She looked angry.

"Because Olivia," I yelled while throwing my hands in the air. "She's just like the asshole that killed Mom and Dad! She's a sacred wolf, a wolf with powers and abilities far more powerful than ours." I pointed to the direction of the hospital Rayna was staying in.

"B-but maybe she isn't. Just because she has the same abilities as that person did, it doesnt make her evil."

I chuckled. "You're right. It doesn't. But she can't control them. You know what that means?" I asked.


"She can kill the whole pack off in a flash, faster than I was ever able to." I said, smirking at the end from my accomplishments. Olivia looked even more mad after I said that.

"And have you ever given her a chance to try and control it? No. You haven't. All you have been doing is thinking about yourself. You locked her in the dungeon for two weeks for goddess sake!" It was now her turn to throw her hands in the air. "She's in the hospital because of you. She could be dead right now and you don't even care!" she yelled. I didn't say anything because I knew she was right. I haven't really thought of anyone else but myself.

"Don't you think I haven't been regretting everything. I regret it all. Now even Daren wont talk to me. He hates me and it makes me feel lonely. I have no one left to talk to." I explained tears were pricking at my eyes but I refuse to let them fall and seem vulnerable. I couldn't believe that after all these years of not shedding a single tear, I was starting to now.

"Good." She shrugged. "It's what you deserve." She turned around to leave. "And I hope she hates you just as much as Daren does." She said, not even turning around to face me before she left.

2 weeks later
Rayna's POV

My eyes fluttered open and were met with a bright light that made me close them again. I tried to open them after a couple seconds to realize someone had dimmed the light down.

"You're awake." Someone said. It was the voice of the doctor but my sight was too blurry to be able to look around. I opened my mouth to speak but the doctor cut me off before I could say anything. "No, no, no." She said quickly. "Don't speak. You shouldn't until your neck heels properly. You don't want to stretch out the scab that's forming or it will rip open again."

After my sight cleared, I saw her walking around the room and checking the various machines that I was connected to. She continued by writing things down on the clipboard in her hands.

I was relieved to finally be able to see and not be stuck in the darkness. I don't even know long I've been in a coma for. It was wierd because I knew the doctor was giving me nutrients through the IV but I still had the sensation that I was starving. I haven't eaten in goddess knows how long.

"I assume you have some questions. I'll give you a pen and some paper to write on." She said while looking around in some drawers. She took out a pen and paper and took off the papers she had on the clipboard. She replaced them with a blank sheet of paper and handed me the pen and clipboard. "Careful with your wrists, they're still healing." She said finally.

I smiled at her before she helped me sit up straight. I then started to scribble my million questions on the paper.

How long was I in a coma for?

I turned the clipboard around to show the doctor. "About two weeks." I liked how she answered things straight forward and didn't give me a life story. I nodded and moved onto the next question.

I could hear things but I couldn't move, speak, or see. Why?

"That's what happens sometimes when people go into comas. They can hear and on rare cases, move slightly. In your case, you could hear certain things, you even triggered your powers sometimes." She explained. I furrowed my eyebrows.


"Yes. Hold on a second." She held up one finger as she looked around for something. She finally found what she was searching for and held it up to show me. It was one of those clip things that you get put on your finger at a doctors office. It was completely frozen. "You froze this as I was putting it on you. It shocked me since I didn't know you had these abilities. You're a sacred wolf." I furrowed my eyebrows again as I didn't know what that was.

What's that? I wrote down and showed it to the doctor.

"You're a wolf with abilities that are far more stronger than those of a normal werewolf. You have even more heightened senses than normal werewolves and you have powers. Every sacred wolf has different powers but they all have white fur." I nodded my head slightly, being careful to not hurt my neck. I started to write down something on the paper.

I want to see Charles.

"Alright. I'll get him."

Thoughts on this one?

I've been pretty sick and busy lately. I just got a chance to update. I'll try to be more frequent though. No promises.

Anyways I'll see y'all in the next chapter.

Different (Currently Rewriting)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora