Daddy's here to save me!

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He sent my horrible pic to Leo ignoring my umpteenth protests and begging. This man was a monster.

Leo's uncle dearest was a monster.

He had a nerve to show me a nasty smirk after tapping the send button.

I sniffed as my eyes flickered down at my wrists. The skin around the cords began getting red and purple. I tried to wriggle hoping that it would loosen the cords, but in contrast, the cords sunk deeper in my skin that I afraid it would probably left a cut.

"At least, loose the cords. I promise I won't run. Please."
I begged as the pain became excruciating.

"You want me to loose the cords?" Roberto raised a brow and I nodded, "There's no problem, honey. I can do that." He got up from the couch.

I was confused and terrified.
Roberto had listened me and
agreed to loose the cords. That was very contrast from his personality.

He took a step or two closer to me with a wicked smile on his face. With his each and every step I felt my heartbeat rising rapidly.
Cold drops of sweat began forming at the back of my neck as the distance between us seemed to reduce.

He scratched his crotch and with the same fingers touched my right wrist, "You want me to lose these pretty cords?"

I nodded, "P-Please."

He began tapping his fingers on the cords of my right wrist as if contemplating about something. "'ve very nice lips. So soft, so luscious..." he withdrew his arm and made a move to touch my lips but I tilted my head away from him in disgust, "I wonder how they will taste."

"Nooo!" I screamed as he gripped my jaw and forced me to look at him. Oh god no! I'd rather choose death than let him touch me again. I cringed with disgust as he licked his lips before the space between us seemed to reduce. Now he was close. Too close to me.
My stomach felt uneasy as the bile rose upto my throat.
My vision turned vague and then I threw up on him.

"Argh, Bitch!" He yelled furiously, "You ruined my only shirt!"

I felt a harsh impact on my face before my surrounding faded away and I succumbed myself to dark.



The voice was deep and familiar but felt distant.
Yet it was soothing. I wanted to open my eyes and see the source of voice that ignited a familiar feeling inside me.

"Open your eyes, baby." Somehow I managed to open my eyes with great effort to see a familiar silhouette with my vague vision. "Oh god, you're fine. I—"

Once my vision completely adjusted I couldn't stop the sob that emanated from my lips, " came."

He smiled down at me, "I had to, for my brunette bombshell."

To ascertain that the man in front of me was real and my mind wasn't making up things on its accord, I raised my free arm and touched his face. In response he squeezed my hand gently as if he noticed my uncertainty.

"Oh gosh, Leo." I clutched his shirt tightly and buried my face in his chest. I cried hard. I missed him so much.
The torture I endured was still flashing in my eyes. It was fresh. The bruises and pain was still fresh. It felt like they hadn't subsided yet.

Leo started rubbing my back gently, "Hey, you're okay now. I'm here, baby. He's no gonna hurt you."

"No! You've no idea what he did to me." My voice was broken as I said that.
I burst into a fresh bout of tears, and Leo put an arm around me, his own eyes growing misty. "He-He's a m-monster. He tortured me, Leo a-and...."

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