Johnny Bravo

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My eyes squinted to the sudden dim light that had been coming through the wide glass window. The sun was about to set and diminish behind the clouds.

I shut my eyes back and flipped around. My brows knitted together as my hand landed onto something bristly. I ran my hand through the rough surface, suspiciously to make sure it was a pillow. But it wasn't.

"You're so cute when you're half asleep like this." My eyes snapped open hearing the same deep familiar voice. Leo took out the phone from his jeans' pocket and began typing something on it. "9 points to your sleeping beauty form. 9.5 to the way you snort. And 8.5 to the face you make when you drool."

"What the—" snatching the phone away from him I yelled. I furiously read the notes he had made on his IPhone x. My blood started boiling with anger as I glared at him just to find that he was smirking at me crookedly. "What the hell is this?"

"iPhone x with 250gb space. Sexy. Isn't it?" He winked.

Throwing a pillow at him that he easily dodged, I yelled, "I'm not talking about your god damn iPhone x, Leonardo Vincenzo. Seriously, on a scale of 1 to 10 You've given my boobs 11 points!"

"You should be proud of that." He grinned, poking the tip of my nose. I slapped his hand and peered around to see the big hotel room. "You had been sleeping from eight hours. When the flight landed in Italy I realised you're asleep. You looked damn beautiful, so I wouldn't want to wake you up." Leo said, "You drooled over my shirt so I had to change it before meeting."

"You were already attending meeting and you didn't even consider to wake me up?"
Seriously? The meeting was the only reason why I was here and he already attended it without me.
Why the hell was I even in Italy then?

"I already told you." He shrugged as he made his way towards door, "You looked beautiful that I didn't want to wake you up," He scratched the back of his neck and I squinted my eyes to see the redness on his cheeks. "and I found myself drowning in it."

"Someone's been reading too much romantic novels!" I yelled as he marched out of the room. Throwing the sheets away I hopped of Off the bed and followed him.

I realised we were in a suite that was bigger than my whole apartment.

I should get used to of big things.

When I approached him, he was readying the dining table. In that moment I found myself checking him. His jet black hair were perfectly jelled, but there was a strand of hair falling over his head. I fought the urge to go over him and place the strand back to the place. My eyes moved down admiring his ocean blue eyes and making a stop at the full delicious lips. I was fascinated by his stubble. He looked damn sexy with it. I wondered how would he look like without stubble?


I mentally giggled and returned to my task.

I could easily ogle the biceps and the whole package of lickable abs concealed beneath the grey shirt. I wished if I could get a quick peek at it. I thought about the different ways in which I could've seen his abs like 'Oh shit! I forget I'm allergic to light. Can you hide me in your shirt?'

Or 'Are you a werewolf? 'Cause you look better without shirt.'

If I say that to him it will only multiply his already Eiffel tower like ego.

I shook my head and resisted the urge to go over him and ripped the darn material off his body.

"I've cooked plenty of dishes for you but if you want to eat me instead then—" He purposely trailed off. A playful smirk was dancing over his chisel face.

I ignored his comment and looked over the food that he had cooked for me. It was italian. I wondered how did he get the time to cook for me when he was busy in a meeting. Sometimes he was beyond my imagination. The more I was with him, the more I got to see his other side aside from a player.

"You did this all for me?" I asked, nibbling with my bottom lip.

He looked up with 'are-you-serious?' look, "No, I did this for Jeffrey across the street." He deadpanned gesturing me to sit, "Off course I did this for you, my Brunette Bombshell."

It gave me heebie jeebies whenever he called me by the made up name that he'd given for me. I'd always been a girl with smart mouth who had never ran out of word. However, with him I didn't find anything to say, To shut him up, as If I wanted to hear all of his dirty talk with me.

As if I wanted to be a bad girl for him.

"You can give me a kiss in return for my decency if you want to."

I rolled my eyes and seated myself on the chair. "You peacocks so much. You could give Johnny Bravo a complex."

"Oh really?"


He laughed. I put some spaghetti in my plate and began eating. He mirrored my action. We had rest of the dinner in silence. It was a good thing he didn't try to undress me with his hungry eyes, that's why the dinner went comfortable.

"Let's play a game." He said breaking the silence once I was finally stuffed and about to leave.

I raised my brow warily, "What game?"

"I'm going to ask you some questions that you have to respond honestly. If you wouldn't then there will be punishment." A smirk found its way on his lips, "A punishment that you probably not gonna like."

"I'm out." I blurted instantly. I didn't know what he had in his dirty mind but I definitely wasn't gonna fall for it.

"Hey it's just game, Jane. I'm bored and I know you too are gonna be bored eventually  after watching six porns back to back." He said and I gasped. This guy has crossed the verge of immodesty. "I promise I won't play dirty." I saw him hiding his one hand behind the back.

If he promised then I could play the game. There was no chances I was gonna sleep tonight anyway since I'd already slept for eight hours.

One game with Leo wouldn't do any harm.

"Let's start."

He gave me a lopsided grin making my heart skipping a beat.


Adios bitchios! See you later.


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Till then, goodbye.

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