Chapter Twenty-Seven [Same Old Story]

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I felt my world crumbling out from beneath my feet allowing the pits of hell a chance to swallow me. The south side would come for me and this time, there would be no mercy. I stared at Cam.

I had heard his words, but I refused to believe them.

"Quit playing with me, Cam," I said, moving his arm off my shoulder.

Cam stared at me and his eyes were serious again.

"Spencer. I'm not playing with you, man. I got information from a source who lives in the south side and they know you're alive," he said, his eyes glancing up to the other two guys who were standing beside him.

"Who would have told them?" I asked.

My anger rose inside me. I clenched my fists.

How dare someone tattle on me. They were risking my life, Adrienne's life, and my child's life. I had so much more to think about these days than just myself.

"I don't know, but I can tell you we will sure as hell find out. I don't fuck with traitors. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's a snake in the grass. I called a meeting in the Lincoln warehouse," he snarled, his fists clenched as his sides.

I could see a flicker of emotion across Cam's face that I had never seen before. It reminded me of demon I had seen inside Cayden a few times, but this one was more subdued. Cam had it under control.

I touched his shoulder as I passed him headed down the alley. I could hear the crunching of the snow behind me and I knew they were following close. The walk was silent, and it gave me time to process the new information. Darkness swept over the city as the sun set behind the skyscrapers in the distance. The shadows hung over the alleys and the snow had started to fall once more. The winter continuing to hold its grip over the city.

I hadn't met ever member of the north side gang, but I didn't think one of them would ever betray Cam. He was too good to them. He laid his heart and his soul out on the line for them. He would do anything for one of his brothers and I was in disbelief that they would take that for granted. A traitor. Someone out to get me. They wanted me to die.

Cam's voice caused me to stop in my tracks. I turned over my shoulder to peer over where it was coming from.

"Spencer. You passed it, bro. Get your ass back over here," he called out, waving his arm.

I had been so lost in my thoughts I had passed the warehouse. I turned and trekked back through the snow until I was beside him. He was stopped waiting for the two guys to unlock a chain that was tied around the entrance to their Lincoln warehouse.

"You okay?" he asked as we stood shoulder to shoulder.

To be honest, I didn't know how to answer his question.

I was silent for a moment and I pursed my lips. He tilted his head in my direction.

"Cam, I don't know what to say. I'm just a little out of it..." I stammered out, pushing my hands deep into my pockets.

He let out a deep breath.

"She told you, didn't she?" he questioned.

I nod my head.

"Yes. Nine weeks along, Cam. Bro, this isn't just about me anymore. A few months ago, it was me against the world. My actions affected me and me only. I was free to do with my life as I please... But now? It's not like that. She worries about me. She wants me to come home to her at night. Now, I find out she's pregnant. She's carrying my child. I want to be there to welcome my little boy or girl into the world. I can't keep getting sucked into this bull shit with the south. I want to be done," I whispered, my head looking up as the guys removed the long heavy chain from the gate.

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