A New Beginning...

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Y/N stepped out onto the porch of her log cabin into the crisp, morning air and breathed in deeply.
Autumn in New England was her favorite time of year.

She bounded down the steps as she pulled on her beanie, making sure to tuck her long hair up into it.

The sun was shining brightly through the trees, she lifted her face towards the sky, feeling the warmth of its rays gently caressing her face...her eyes closed and she sighed contentedly.

Colorful leaves in hues of yellow, orange and red danced in the breeze.
She watched as a vibrant red maple leaf spiraled to the ground.

Y/N walked to her shed and lifted the door, she stood with her hands on her hips, surveying the space.
The floor creaked beneath her hiking boots as she trekked across it.
She grabbed the ax that her parents gifted her as a housewarming present.
Y/N liked practical gifts that she could use and since the cabin had a fireplace, her dad thought it was important for them to have one.

He just never envisioned that his daughter would be the one to use it...

Y/N and her fiancé purchased their home two years ago.
It was always her dream to live in a log cabin, out in the woods.

She grew up in a small town, the kind where everyone knows your name... and your business.
There was no such thing as a "private life". So when she got engaged, the first thing she wanted to do was leave that town in the dust.

Y/N's parents and future in-laws put up the down payment for their house as an engagement present and they moved in soon after that.

Her fiancè, Sean was everything she thought she wanted in a man. He was strong, handsome and had a good, stable job as an architect in the city. The only drawback was that he had to travel an hour to work each day and would often come home late at night, sometimes after she had fallen asleep.

Y/N worked as a kindergarten teacher in the neighboring town. She loved seeing her students bright and happy faces everyday as they entered the classroom. She adored children and couldn't wait to start a family of her own.

Everything seemed so perfect, until the day that her fairy tale came crashing down...

Sean had complained that he wasn't feeling well and was going to take the day off to rest.
Y/N kissed him goodbye with a promise to see him after work.

She called a couple of times during the day to check on him and texted him several times but got no response. She just assumed that he was probably sleeping.

On the way home from work, she stopped in town to pick up some groceries. She planned on making Sean her grandma's famous homemade chicken noodle soup and needed a few ingredients.

As she pulled into the driveway, she noticed that his car was gone.

"Hmm, that's odd.", she thought. "Maybe he felt better and decided to go into work."

She went to the kitchen to start unloading her groceries, when she noticed a note on the table. She set the bags down on the table and picked up the piece of paper...

Her hand began to shake as she read it.

The gist of the letter said that he had been having an affair with one of his co-workers and had fallen in love with her. He was leaving to start a new life with her in the city...blah, blah, blah...he never meant to hurt her...blah, blah, blah...it's not you, it's me...yadda, yadda, yadda...

The words blurred as her tears fell onto the paper. She angrily crumpled the letter and threw it across the room!


Neighbors ~ A 21+ Jung Hoseok Fanfiction  ~ Book Cover by Izzybella's HopeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora