EXCLUSIVE DIMBFF Chapter for Halloween! (Feat. A Special Guest...)

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Hiiiiiiiiii, bb's!"

So the last few weeks and really months for me for me have been absolutely insane... My 16 year old dog was in hospice for about 4 months in our home and a few weeks ago we finally had to put him down. The whole situation involved a lot of work, heartbreak, and stress, as one can imagine, and I was especially unproductive with my writing the last few weeks of his life when things were really bad and sad. And then after my sweet Buddy's passing, I got pretty sick, probably from all of the stress and my immune system being run dow, but I'm recovered now and finally feeling completely myself! :)

So, that's basically what's been happening with me. I just wanted to give everyone a small update as to where I've been and where my mind has been...

Once things settled down, I really wanted to get something up for Halloween for you guys, but this story concept in particular ended up taking an unexpected direction. What was supposed to be Halloween based turn more into side exclusive chapter, and then since I was late anyway with the update I figured I'd just post this for fun, since I at least think it's a riot! (I know something I'm writing is funny when I'm cracking myself like a total loser LOL.)

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys!!! I had a blast with this!!!


Gossip Death

P.S- This chapter and the characters are exaggerated for comedic effect! So try not to associate this with what's going on in DIMBFFLAD too much! LOL.

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(I, the author, am the "I" in this chapter!)

Death strolled into my office with a scowl on his face. I had just finished writing a chapter from a secret project of mine and selected one last key with an enthusiastic click.

"Just take one, please," I said, pushing my glasses up the bridge of my nose with one finger.

Death tilted his head down at the bowl of colorful fruit candy next to the door and glared at me with a scowl and narrowed eyes.

Death wore a plain long-sleeve grey t-shirt with a fresh stain¬–food of some sort–¬ on the right pectoral. His long legs are clad in medium wash ripped jeans, and he wore warn out Nike shoes. His wavy, slash, curly raven-black hair was longer than the last time I saw it and fell to his shoulders in a disheveled way.

Noticing my critical look, Death raked his fingers through his concerning hairstyle and made a show of snatching three mini bag of skittles from my candy bowl, before plopping down on the couch in front of me. When he sat down, his stomach visibly hung over his jeans. He rested his arms on the armrest on either side of him and stared me down.

"Nice jeans," I said, unable to look away from his belly and his matted hair. Don't even get me started on the lumberjack beard he had goin' on. Damn, he'd really let himself go. "Can't say I've ever seen you wear grey, either. Or...anything besides black. What can I do you for you, Death?"

"Cut the cutesy talk, Creator," he growled. "This is strictly business."

Sighing, I swiveled my desk chair to face him and noticed a plot point list on the wall behind Death for the Death is My BFF Manuscript. My eyes widened. I quickly crossed the room Soccer Mom style and tore the papers down, balling them up and shooting them into the trash. I whistled as I returned back to my seat.

"Tell me what's on your mind, Death."

Death snaps and suddenly Glenn appears beside Death's loveseat. He wears a "I'm with stupid" t-shirt with an arrow on the shirt that points up to himself. And he has a new haircut. A bowl haircut.

Death is My BFFLAD Rewritten (Book 2 of the Rewritten Death Chronicles)Where stories live. Discover now