There's A Boy in my Bed - 30

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This chapter is written in 2 perspectives.  The first half will be Elliot's P.O.V., just before Danté runs out of the stadium;  and, the second half will be written in Casey's P.O.V., right after he gives his speech.

Elliot's P.O.V.

"And like the love for my team, the love for this person is eternal and infinite. And that's why I wanted to say...I'm Casey...I'm gay...and I'm in love with Danté Evans."  The words fall out of his mouth like butter, muzzling the cheering crowd - his words suffocating the bleachers as all eyes start to look towards us.  Dividing.  Conquering.  Identifying.  

"What the fuck is he on about Danté?"  My plead falls silent to his ears;  his fixated gaze on the football player unhindered.  I shake his shoulder in an attempt to draw him back to me, failing as he shrugs it off;  shrugs me off.

"Danté!  What's going on?"  My tone rises, unintentionally transferring into a yell - piercing his daze like a dagger through a balloon.  His eyes flicker as he registers the situation - his jittery gaze indicative of the whirling emotions shown through his eyes.  A stray tear trickles down his cheek - resting before cascading down to the ground.  Oh shit.  Don't cry Danté.  Please don't cry.

Panic rises within as I watch him search for an answer, his pursed lips barricading attempts at mumbled sentences.  "Sorry Casey."  His reply barely meets my ear - but it does - the whisper swiping across me like the kiss of death - I wish it hadn't.  My name's not Casey.  Why the fuck is he apologising to Casey?  What about me?

My thoughts grow internally;  fostering a rage as his water-blurred eyes drop down - avoiding me.  My anger disperses as he turns, pushing through the crowd and and running off, disappearing around the corner.  Running away.  Running away from me?

"Danté wait!"  I call out unsuccessfully, my yell unmatched to his sprinting pace.  I weave my way through the bleachers, eyes following me as I make my way to the hallway;  Danté's silhouette fading slowly into the distance.

"Danté!"  I scream through dispersed breaths, sprinting up to him as he finally slows down - hunching over to catch his breath.  I run my eyes over him, heart-broken at what I see.  The confident boy I picked up a disheveled mess, red eyes the source of pooling tears.

"Hey!  I was calling out to you.  What's wrong?"  He shudders as I catch up to him, his trembling frame unable to contain the anger - his emotions translating into words.  "I SAW YOU KISSING THAT BLOND WHORE YOU MOTHER FUCKER."  He yells - the sentence falling like poison off of his tongue;  each word a bullet with my heart as the bullseye.  

"Danté I-"

"Danté?  I thought my name was Sunshine.  Oh wait;  that's not my name, that's her name too."  When the fuck did he see that?  How the fuck did he see that?  His eyes turn into slits, a flaming glare burning into me - the situation intensifying as he straightens up his posture and backs me into the wall.

"All the sweet talk.  All the text messages.  All the compliments.  For what huh?  You just wanted to get into my pants?"  Despite my height, I feel smaller then ever - cornered by reality as his jarring tone berates me - each word ripping away the delicate relationship I've woven with him.  "And the whole were fucking around with another bitch!"

My words are gone - stolen.  Each attempt to form a sentence fumbled as I stutter for words, his unrelenting gaze not making it any easier.

"Why the fuck are you so angry?  You've been two-timing me this whole time."  I yell.  He's taken aback - my accusation deconstructing his anger as his mind slowly unravels my statement.

"What?  No I haven't."

"A dude literally just confessed his love for you in front of the whole town."  I try to hold back the tears, droplets welling in my eyes as I spew out the revelations.  "And last night when I went to check on you after the were in bed with another fucking guy...and...your clothes were on the fucking ground!  What the fuck do you call THAT!?"  I clench my fist over my eyes, blocking out the world as the pressure finally hits me - and he has the audacity to critique me?

"We're just friends."  He mutters out - the burning fury dissipated.

"Oh friends?  Pffft sure.  Do you sleep naked with all your friends?  Do all your friends confess their love for you to whole stadiums?  MAKE IT MAKE SENSE."  Silence follows my gurgling;  his tears drying while mine continue to fall - distance separating us:  physically and emotionally.

"You've loved him this whole time haven't you?"  The words float out of my mouth, met by a perplexed Danté.

Casey's P.O.V.

"And like the love for my team, the love for this person is eternal and infinite. And that's why I wanted to say...I'm Casey...I'm gay...and I'm in love with Danté Evans."  My confession murders the crowd, each pair of eyes filled with intangible specs of judgement. 

Harvey's grip around my shoulder loosening as he looks at me:  brows furrowed;  mouth agape.  I'm sorry Harvey.  Please don't hate me.

Small talk starts to arise around me, my ears blocking it out as I scan my eyes through the crowd;  one target in site:  Danté.  I find him, distance unable to disconnect our locked gazes - an imaginary conversation floating between us as time stands still;  Danté's presence submerging us into a bubble.

I furrow as he starts talking to someone next to him - Elliot - It's always fucking Elliot.  Why the fuck is he with Elliot?

My silent observation is shattered as the crowd murmurs, Danté shuffling through the crowd.  His eyes shoot back a final time before he disappears;  his run carrying him away from the prying crowd;  from my heart;  from me.

Suddenly he's being tailed - Elliot not far behind him as he also enters the hallway.  

"Um bro?  I think you have some explaining to do."  Harvey snaps me out of my visual stalk - dragging me back to the area o podium, his words slicing my attention away from Danté.  I look at him, his raised eyebrow an inkling of my greatest fear:  He hates me.

"Look Harvey.  I've really gotta go.  I'll explain everything later."

"Uh okay...sure..."  He mutters as I turn around, a stadium full of curious eyes following my back as I sprint to the hallway.  I avoid the judgemental glares - my selfish grand gesture not only failing in wooing Danté, but now it's pissed off the whole town.  I send out a mental apology to everyone - their winning game disrupted by a star-crossed love affair.

My pace quickens as I contemplate the conversation I want to have in my head, nervousness infecting my stomach - each step I take becoming heavier;  slowed by unyielding anxiety.

What if Danté doesn't chose me?  What if I did this all for nothing?  What if he really was running away from me?

I wipe the fears away as I near - homing in on Danté and Elliot;  their quiet mumbles becoming audible, my ears picking up the conversation.

"You've loved him this whole time haven't you?"  Elliot yells, his vicious tone destroying any faux-confidence Danté has portrayed - the question stumping him;  their conversation falling victim to an elongated silence.

I recover my breath as I cast my eyes on them, tense postures holding each other at bay - irritation flaring in both of their eyes;  an intangible battle of angry tempers and bruised egos:  the stare down acting as their silent pre-empt to conflict.

"Yes.  I love Casey.  I've loved him this whole time."  Danté says, pushing his face into Elliot's  - carving the message into the nooks and crannies of his hear. Elliot pushes past him, his loud strides echoing as he turns around the corner.  Danté's eyes trail him, laying on his back before he's no longer visible.

"So you do love me after all?"  I ask rhetorically, startling Danté  as he realises I'm here.

"Casey I-"  I don't let him speak, my lips slamming against his;  words unnecessary for the expression of our emotions.  The taste of his mouth is ecstasy, my eyes rolling back as his tongue ventures further;  deeper.  I whimper as he bites my lip, hungrily devouring my mouth - our hot breath filling the hallway.

"You don't have to say anything.  I know."  I squeeze out before reconnecting my lips with his.

This is it.  This is how it was all meant to be.  This is perfect.


Hello!  So, after reading the comments on the last chapter, there was a divide between whether to write this chapter in Elliot's P.O.V. or Casey's P.O.V.;  so, I chose both!  I hope you enjoyed this writing style, because it was really fun to write! :)

How do you guys feel about Elliot and his perspective on Casey and Danté?  All the relationships have such interesting dynamics and I'm really excited to read your guys thoughts and opinions! :)

Also;  I'm unsure whether to make this the last chapter.  Because I really enjoyed the climax and the ending - I will think about it.

Thanks for reading! 


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