There's A Boy in my Bed - 29

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My eyes dart around nervously, the vacant seat to my side fueling my anxiety - the crowded bleachers of people an ironically isolating feeling.  The players continue warming up, my mind unable to focus on the game - maybe, I'll just go look for Elliot.

I nudge cautiously across the bleacher, awkwardly avoiding the legs of the sitting crowd.  Finally liberated, I take one final look at the field before making my way down the steps - en route to the hallway.

Instinctively I pull my phone out of my pocket, the blank screen greeting me like the kiss of death:  unwanted.

*RING RING*  The dialling intensifies as I pull it closer to my ear, my focus draining away as I unintentionally bite my lip - unconsciously triggered by concern and nervousness.

"The number you have dialled is unable to be reached right now. Please try again later. Feel free to leave a message after the beep.  BEEP."  I sigh loudly, pulling the phone back into my pocket - my eyes scouting all over as I roam the hallway.  Maybe he's texted me?

I naively pull my phone out again - jarred by the blank screen;  my fingers wrapping around it as I open up the messenger app.  Through my distraction, I body slam into something;  someone;    the wind rapidly departing my lungs as I start falling backwards - time freezing as I slowly plummet towards the ground.

A brawny arm coils under my back, supporting me as I stare up - dazed by the fleeting moment - familiarly alluring green eyes slicing away the stagnated time.

"Watch where you're going.  I don't want to muck up my pretty face."  Casey winks as he pulls me back onto my feet, mocking my haphazardly thrown compliment from last night.  "Are you alright?  You look flustered?  What are you doing back here?"

"Yeah.  Yeah.  I'm alright.  I was just...looking for you actually.  I didn't see you out on the field?"  A hint of a blush spreads across his rosy cheeks - taken aback by my statement - his confidence leaping at my words.

"I was giving myself a pep's going to be game tonight - and that's a promise."  His alluding tone is complimented by a mischievous smile.  I've missed this Casey;  the one who laughs and smiles;  his alluringly delicious personality enough to feed a starving Crowd.  The one I met when he stole my bed.

"Why?  What's gonna happen tonight?"  He chuckles in response, my prying question dismissed with the swipe of his hand.

"Don't worry - you'll see.  Want me to walk you back to the game?" 

"No it's alright.  I'll see you out there."  I insist - perking up my tone to masquerade my internal worry.  He nods cautiously before sauntering off, my eyes falling victim to the his back - scanning over the outline of his body;  the tightness of his pants cupping his glutes nicely.  Damn he has some good genes.

I snap out of my daze as he walks back onto the field, his effect over me broken.  Back to work.

"Elliot?"  I call out as I round a corner, a group of girls looking back at me confusion - my yell into nothing making me look crazy.  "Um.  Sorry.  I was looking for my friend.  He's tall.  Lean.  A tad sun kissed."

"Oh the cute guy with the blue eyes?"  One of them replies vivaciously - her preppy tone hauntingly annoying.  I nod, perplexed by her response.  "Yeah.  He's around that corner doing stuff."  I follow the direction of her bony finger - my view obstructed by a wall.


The sound of my footsteps are replaced with muffled breathing as I near closer, the closing distance amplifying the sounds - my mind able to connect the dots.

I pause;  the floor morphing into quicksand:  holding me;  halting me.  The pounding of my heart flooding through my ears;  barricades the noises away.  Do it Danté.  Rip off the bandaid.  

I try and force my eyes to look - my heart resisting as nerves preemptively repel me from peeking - my self-will fighting them off.  With adrenalin pumping through my veins, I cast my gaze around the corner;  the happiness draining from the world as Elliot manoeuvres his lips against those of a random blond;  the heat of the moment keeping me incognito.

She groans as his lips travel down her neck - each kiss an intangible dagger through my heart.  His mouth stops at her naval, sucking on her;  loving her;  enjoying her - his fingers sliding under her shirt.

There's A Boy in my Bed (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now