Chapter 26

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I'm sorry I disappeared! Please don't forget to comment. It's your comments that usually bring me back and make me want to update. I'll add chapter aesthetics later, just wanted to post quickly. xx. 

Sienna is gorgeous and if I wasn't in the state of mind I was in I would've been tourist of the year, instead I'm hiding out in a cafe in the hotel we're staying at. At any moment Bobby would walk in and escort me to a conference room where I'll have to spend the next three to four hours right next to Colson- playing the perfect happy girlfriend. 

"Would you like a refill?" The waiter with the thick Italian accent came over with a pot of coffee. 

"No thank you," I'd had too much caffeine as it was. I hated killing time and lately that's all I'd been doing.

As I thought about that fourth cup of coffee I spotted Bobby walking into the cafe. 

"Time to go," he said and I nodded. This was grim, it felt like I was walking to my execution. "You good?" Bobby asked. 

"Yeah why?" I was tired of people asking me that. 

"We all heard you and Colson fighting," he said and I groaned. Of course everyone knew. Everyone always knew everything, that's one of the problems that comes with fake dating a world famous rapper. Everyone always knows everything. 

"That wasn't anything new," I replied. 

"It was intense though," he said and I shook my head. 

"It was stupid." It was stupid and it should've never happened. I lost my shit and he was there at the wrong time. 

"Turn left," Bobby moved his arm to the left and I followed him into a room full of people. I was escorted to a chair in the middle of the room with bright white lights pointed right at me. 

"Hey," Ash came up to me, "We need makeup here," she yelled and a mousy girl came out of nowhere and started powdering my nose and forehead. 

"I'm sorry," she squeaked when I gave her a death stare. 

"Babe let Cathy do your make up," Ash said, looking up from her cellphone, "These are important interviews." 

"Fine," I grunted and sat back as poor little Cathy worked on my face.

Ash came back after a while and looked at me cautiously, I knew that look all too well. 

"What?" I probed.

"What what?" she said, acting clueless.

"What did you do?" I asked and enjoyed watching her squirm. 

"I didn't do anything." 

"Just tell me," 

"Fine don't be mad," She waved at Cathy to go away, "I kind of put you and Colson on the sienna music festival list." 

"Okay?" I was fine with going to a music festival, sounded better than hiding out at cafes. 

"Like put you on the list together, like a couple." Ash explained. 

"No," She couldn't be serious. 

"Yes," She actually looked sorry, "Management accepted the invite and look it won't be that bad. You'll go, meet some musicians together, dance a little, sing a little, make some small talk, eat and come back." 

"No," I said processing all of this, this music festival was exclusive- it'll just be me and Colson together out there by ourselves without Ash, or Bobby or the guys, no one who could break us up if we decided to rip each others hair out. 

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