Chapter Ten: Familiar Faces?

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"You're- you..." I'm at a loss for words because standing in front of me, looking not a day older than the last time I saw him, is Vinny. I'm completely torn between wanting to hug him, or slap him for not finding me sooner.

"Dead? Yeah, your observational skills are astounding lovey." despite the familiarness of that line, his voice is cold, removed, and I find myself feeling afraid. Regardless of what my eyes are telling me, this is not Vinny, despite what he may seem on the outside.

"How did you find me?" I ask, now extremely wary. My entire body is tensed, ready to run. Something is very wrong here. And where is Jasper?

"You're asking all the wrong questions. It doesn't matter how I found you, it matters how they found you."

"Who is they? You aren't making any-" I cut myself off mid-sentence, realizing why Vinny seems so strange to me. I had been functioning on the presumption that he had been turned a vampire, but if that was the case, then his eyes should be red or gold.

Looking into his eyes in dismay, I see that they are the same hazel green color as they were when I knew him, too unique to be contacts.

"You aren't Vinny." I whisper. I try to hide how sad that makes me feel, replacing it with anger.

"No. I'm not. I'm not even in this clearing, though I suppose you aren't either. You'll wake up soon, but you need to listen to me carefully. I've come here to warn you on someone else's behalf. The Volturi will be coming for you soon. They have reason enough to justify it."

"How long do we have?" I whisper, as if someone would overhear despite us being alone in a forest.

"I do not know. Very little time. She has put herself in great danger to give even this information to you." Not-Vinny's face shows fear.

"Who did? Who is trying to help me?"

"Who do you think, there is only one you know that could possess this type of information and be willing to help you with it."

I narrow my eyes. It can't be who I'm thinking of, she wouldn't be stupid enough to actually-

"You do know, I can see it." he says cryptically. "And now you will wake."

"Wait!" I shout, not wanting him to leave yet. I have so many questions left to ask him. "Who are you?"

"I will not tell you, for fear of Aro learning. I will tell you though that I am a friend. You need not fear me."

"But what-" I'm cut off, and suddenly awake, gasping for air that I don't need. "What the hell?" I whisper to myself.

I've awoken in the same forest, now alone.

I apologize for the shortness! The next chapter will be a continuation of this.

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