Chapter Nine: A Masked Man

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That feeling was back again, the creeping sensation of someone following me. It had started not long after making it back to my apartment; I suddenly felt the need to keep checking over my shoulder even though I couldn't see or hear anything out of the ordinary.

I know that I'm starting to worry Jasper a bit. I try to mask my panic with calm, but it doesn't work at all when he can sense every emotion I have. I still try though, I suppose I'm stubborn.

It doesn't last long though, because I begin to grow frustrated with not knowing why I'm suddenly feeling so threatened.

"I'm going insane." I mutter.

Jasper's eyebrows furrow as he looks at me seriously. "Why would you think that?"

I run a hand agitatedly through my hair. "I've grown so paranoid I think I'm beginning to imagining things. It's been in the back of my mind for awhile now, but suddenly it's so much stronger; I feel like we were followed. I haven't seen or heard anything to prove it, but the feeling is growing stronger as time passes."

I realize my eyes have made their way to staring at the floor awkwardly, and make an effort to meet Jasper's gaze again. "So I'm not sure if that means I'm slowly losing my mind, or what, but it's definitely getting on my nerves." I chuckle, trying to make that sudden confession less disturbing.

He rests a hand over top of mine, a reassuring gesture. "I don't think you're crazy."

I smile crookedly. "Then I suppose that makes one of us."

And that's when I hear it. I'm torn between relief with the state of my sanity and worry of being followed. Somewhere close, there's a vampire.

I walk calmly into my seldom-used kitchen, grabbing a pad of paper off the counter and a rogue pencil teetering on the edge of the sink. I write only three words:

"I hear something."

If I can hear them, there is a slight chance they can also hear me. My superior hearing may give me the advantage, but Jasper and I talking is much louder than a vampire trying to go unheard.

Jasper takes the pencil and paper from my hands, neatly writing down a response.

"What direction?"

I try not to get too hung up on the fact that his handwriting makes mine look like a three year olds.

"North, maybe west. Don't know, barely heard it."

He nods, and motions for me to give him the pad and pencil again.

"Two to one."

I understand what he meant: we'll have the better odds if it comes to a fight, especially given our abilities.

The flaw in that logic though is I have no idea if there are more vampires just outside my range of hearing, so I shrug in response to what Jasper had written.

"Safer just to leave, see how long he'll follow." I scratch quickly down on the paper.

He nods, speaking aloud, "Ready to go?"

"Yeah," I quickly glance at the bags packed and sitting by the door, trying to think of anything I could have forgotten. "Let's take it all out to the car."

Bad plan.

He was closer than I had thought, literally standing just at the end of the driveway. It took me a split second to become aware of the fact that he was wearing a Noh mask to cover his features, and I was not looking at his actual face. It unnerved me, not because of the mask itself, but the idea that why would you need a mask unless you might be recognized?

He must also have some kind of ability to get this close without me hearing him.  The same thing had happened when he appeared out of nowhere and chased Bella and I through Canada; one second you can hear him and the next he's a ghost again.  I have little time to process new questions cluttering my mind before my fight or flight instincts kick in, narrowing my line of thought solely to survival. Knowing that the two of us will have the upper hand, even just by sheer number, the urge to fight wins out.

The masked man seems to realize this though, and turns to the woods to escape.  I glance at Jasper, a funny look on my face, wondering if this person purposely wanted us to follow him.

For the sake of my own sanity though, I needed answers, so I sped off in pursuit, hoping Jasper would follow.

The masked man was not only fast, but also agile. He slipped in and out of the trees at a rate that I could barely keep up with, let alone gain ground.  My split second of indecision over following had cost me.  A solid thirty yards of space stays between us, enough that I have to strain my enhanced sight to catch glimpses of clothing through the foliage.

When we reach an open field though, I suddenly have the advantage again. I shoot forward with a new burst of speed, tackling the vampire to the ground. One hand pins him by the throat into the ground, the other pressing firmly against his chest.

"You've been following me for days, haven't you. Why?" I growl, and rip the Noh mask from his face. I'm not exactly sure who I was expecting; maybe a member of the Volturi guard.  I was not expecting this. No, this should not be happening.

My grip slackens in the slightest from the shock and he manages to slip loose.

"Did you miss me, lovely?"

Does anyone have guesses as to who it might be?  I've also put a picture of a Noh mask on the side so you have an idea of what they look like. (There are many types, but this was the one I envisioned.)

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