Part 1

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Natalie Ross

Last day of summer and what was I doing? Laying in bed texting.

While this would make some people upset, I was as happy as I could be. My entire summer was spent everywhere but here. I had gone on a family vacation to Europe. And I had gone to Florida, Oklahoma, and to California what felt like a hundred times.

Traveling everywhere is the life of a club softball player. So any moments at home in my own bed were absolutely treasured.

I was texting my best friend Mackenzie. She's been stuck in Washington for the past three weeks. Her flight was in an half an hour so we were just passing the time.

Are you excited to be home?

Is that even a question?

No I guess not. I can't wait until you get back.

Haven't see you or any of the others in what feels like forever.

Me either!

My flight is boarding. I got to go. See you tomorrow!

I sighed. It's only 10:30. I already did my chores and got ready for the day. I just didn't have a day to get ready for. I figured I should do something. The park sounded nice. There is a little hidden park near my house that few people know about, so that's where me and my friends normally go.

I called my other best friend Henry. Henry was known to be a spontaneous kid. Sometimes called dumb. Really smart kid, but did a lot of dangerous stuff. But he was great to hang out with when he was using some common sense. I hoped today would be one of those days.

"Hello," he said when he picked up.
"Watcha up to kiddo?" I responded.
"Nothing. Why?"
"You wanna hang out?"
"Yeah for sure. Where and when?"
"The park. And how about now?"
"Sounds good. I'll meet you there in five."
"See you soon," I hung up.

I packed up small bag of snacks and a sweatshirt and head out the door.

Hey so this story is going to be updated on a terrible schedule, probably won't get finished, and will be an overall poor written story. But I had an idea for a story and decided to write it out. I'm not really committed to it and have horrible writers block. So honestly don't expect anything.

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