Chapter Twenty Two

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-For all my lovely readers who love Maddison and Aiden just as much as I do. 💋


I rush into his arms again, every time I'm in his arms I feel comfort and safe. It's a hard feeling to explain, but all I know is that I want to feel this feeling for a very long time. Who knew that someone could mean so much to you in a short amount of time of knowing them.

"Come on, it's getting cold." Aiden ushers me inside making me snap out of my thoughts. I haven't been excited for anything for a very long time and I can't wait to spend the weekend with Aiden.

As we step into the lodge we both gather around the fireplace. The flames curl and sway, flicking this way and that, crackling as they burn the dry wood. It's so good to feel their warmth at last, even if is from only one direction. We watch in hypnotized joy, holding our hands out to get just a little more of the gentle heat.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" Aiden looks up from the crackling fire to meet with my hazel dark ones.

"I remember very clearly." I softly laugh tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear.

"I think that was the first time I felt it." Aiden finally speaks up.

What does he mean?

"When I first met you, you was this beautiful and sweet girl that I've never met before and I couldn't help but give you the cold shoulder. The only reason I was a acting that way was because I've had bad relationships with girls in the past and I didn't want to get too close, knowing I would get hurt all over again."

"And I thought it would switch off the feelings I was starting to feel towards you." Aiden speaks so quietly that I have to stop breathing to hear him.

"Did it though?" I ask solemnly.

"No it didn't, and I never properly apologised for my actions. I was a different person back then. I couldn't care less about anything. I went to parties and did things I regret."

"You bring out the best in me M." His voice comes out hardly a whisper. And he grabs my hands in his, his emerald eyes pleading with me.

"This has been me for so long, I have never wanted to be any other way. Until now, until you." He breaths out, like he's been holding it since we got here.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Six months ago I would have done anything to get away from the brown haired and green eyed boy for as long as possible. But now circumstances have changed, and I don't know if I should listen to my heart or my head.

My head is telling me that he will only hurt me in the end. And my heart is telling me to give him a chance because I feel happy and content around him.

What should I do?

"I don't even remember my life without you in it." He looks up at me his eyes boring into my mine.

"Will you hurt me like the others?" I whisper into his hard chest, a strong feeling of vulnerability taking over me.

"I could never, it would hurt me too." He whispers back not letting go of my hand.

After putting on our warm and cozy pyjamas we both head into the bathroom to brush our teeth. And of course Aiden being Aiden, decided it was a good idea to spill mouthwash all down my shirt.

"Aiden! I'm all wet." I whine at him but he doesn't say anything, but a big evil smirk worked over his face.

"You think it's funny don't you?" I ask. He just looks at my now soaking wet T-shirt and chuckles at the state of me.

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