Chapter Four

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I take a deep breath and shut my laptop and place it on a cushion next to me. I had officially survived the first week of uni but to be honest I was so exhausted and physically and mentally drained of all life in me.

As I reach for the remote control,  Aiden comes barrelling into the room. I sigh and look over to him wondering what he's going to say next. This whole, living with a boy was good and bad. Bad considering how much Aiden was annoying and would say a tiny little comment and get under my skin.

And good because he was hardly came home and mostly hanging with Alex so I had the apartment to myself.

"Hey roomie." He plops down on the sofa next to me.

"Can you stop calling me that."

I move my attention back towards the Tv scanning through Netflix trying to find something interesting to watch tonight.

Why isn't he at a party or with his friends?

"Maddison, can you just hear me out for just a minute? I get this whole living situation isn't your ideal situation." He yells.

I turn towards him.

"Oh, and it's suddenly your ideal living situation?"  i lividly shout.

"Well, no but I just think it would probably be a little easier if we tried to communicate more with one another."

"That's very hypocritical, especially coming from you, Aiden."

His emerald green eyes bore into my brown ones, trying to reason with me through the act of a simple gaze.

"Maddison, can you please for heavens sake just listen to me!" I can tell that he's getting angry now, but he doesn't get to put the Blame onto me.

"Please I'm asking nicely this time." His voice softens and as jump from how loud his voice was. 

" I  know I haven't been the best of all  roommates but, I don't think you gave me much of a fair chance. Can we just start fresh a clean slate maybe?"

He tries to compromise with me. I'm happy that he's trying to make an effort with me but his massive and pretentious ego gets him in trouble.

He looked surprisingly serious and very sincere as he asked this of me. Shaking my head, I turn back to the Tv, I was growing very tried and bored of arguing with him.

"Sure Aiden, whatever you want."  I say not really caring that much.

"Good."  Is all he says.

"Hey, what are you going this Saturday?" He asks while looking down at his phone. 

"Your looking at it." I reply snarky.

"You can't be serious, it's the first big weekend and all the parties are going to be wild!" He narrows his eyes at me.

"It might come to a shock to you but having small talk with drunk strangers and playing spin the bottle or even truth or dare aren't my forte."

"Come on Maddison! I know you want to go." He smirks thinking it has an affect on me. If he wants me to go, he's going to have to work for it.

"Whatever, I'm going out for the night. But hey, what do you say me, and you at Starbucks at 10am?"

I raise a brow at him in confusion. He turns and leaves the apartment. Aiden Reed Just asked me if I wanted to grab coffee with him tomorrow morning! Inside I was happy and excited but it was too early on to show any emotions now.

Well not now anyway.
I take a seat at a small table next a window, a couple minutes later i decide to go for the caramel Iced coffee.

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