Chapter 19

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Third Person POV.
Alex went to the studio for a private talk with Alana, she had two choices if she would go or not. instead she went and was late.
"Let's get this sh*t done." Alex said gritting her teeth and opened the door where Alana was waiting. Mary went to another appointment for alex's papers.

"Alex Hayes." Alana stood up and smiled at her.

"When will I start, and when will I be ending?" Alex said sitting on a chair far from Alana was sat at.

"Just sign this contract." Alana went near Alex and instead of taking a chair she sat on the table showing off her legs Alex didn't even took a glance and went for the contract right away then signed.
Alana grinned,what Alex didn't know she signed up for a month contract working for Abiv.
before Alex was about to read it Alana snatched it away.
"So rude." Alex muttered.

Alana was inches away from my face because she leaned in, I stood up but she pushed me down and pushed the chair backwards for her to move In front of me. I had my eyes widen and furrowed eyebrows. I'm trying to stand up but she was seriously stronger than me.
"Alana,what are you doing?!" I said wiggling away.
she shushed me and whispered to me.
"Sh Alex, I know you like girls."
I stiffened and denied immediately
"What? No!"
"hm, two girls making out on the beach yup that's a No?"
holy sh*t how does she even knew about that?

"Stop the rumors, you know I can't even hang out with friends on public!" then I pushed her hands away about to go out then she spoke.

"Oh really? your in denial.I've got it all here." she waved a small envelope, hesitantly walking back to her.
dreading what's inside the envelope that could have the big chance of having a picture of me and Kirsten, honestly I wasn't ready to come out yet. I know I was confident about it a long time ago but this was pressuring me.
"come on open it." her look intimidates me.

I grabbed it from her slowly, opening it.
just as I knew, it was me and Kirsten on the beach, that's not the only picture inside, I took a look on the others and some pictures of me with Kirsten when we went outside to eat, when I was on the park.

"so you creepin on me now?"
I nearly shouted,
"and then your gonna put this on your magazine? Alana, What do you want from me?"
I want to rip the pictures I knew it was no use, she had copies of them I'm sure I'm not stupid.

"You." She said shrugging. like it was no big deal.
"your the CEO of Abiv, you can get any girl you want, why me?"

"About that.." Alana chuckled nervously and trailed off.

i gave her a questioning look, seems like she's hiding something.

"Oh wait, just work with my company and were all good. ok?"

well okay, I just have to have distance with her, that would be a plan.

"Ok." so that was my short reply, then silence came over she was just looking at me so I assume this was done, Yay I'm going out!
just as I was walking out she called me back.

I swung around bumping into her, and guess what, I stumbled and she caught me.. steadied me then added up by a Kiss. I didn't pulled back, I didn't respond, I just stayed that way, she pulled back and smiled at me, I just stared at her don't know what to do next,

Alana came closer too close, and slowly leaning in she rested her hands on my neck the part that our lips touched hers was soft, well of course she was a woman every female has that, then now I still ain't doing anything she was trying now

she ran her hands up on my back. Fuck.I Got Carried Away. I kissed back.
"kate, why did we have sex before?" I asked staring on my phone.

"because you were horny." she gagged and I glared at her.

well? no real answers.

"Why'd you asked? that was ages ago?" she laughed then throwed a pillow at me, because of my heavy thinking I didn't care that it hit me.

if it's Alana we're talking about yup I was thinking about us, not that kind of way. it's about what happened a while ago, I ran away, yeah after that I ran, because it's not right, Even though it's just a kiss it was wrong. so working with her? I would see her for a week or so. glad that it was only a week but whatever she went on connections. what if she was doing it for her Magazine, total user. that's what people in businesses do. Well in my opinion Yes.

"Deep thinking, I know you have a problem." Kate said rolling her eyes.

I snapped back, "No,nope. nothing."

"tell me." She said seriously.

should I tell her? yes she's my bestfriend.

"I ,"
"Well I miss Kirsten." I blurted out.

"Then call her, problem solved right?" she said.

"She's busy and I invited her but yea she's busy."

so Kate fell for that, but that was absolutely true, I miss kirsten.

and now guilt was coming out, I hate this feeling why did I ever kissed back.

honestly it's not just a simple kiss.. because i, actually carried her to the desk and started something, thanks to my senses. damn.

I hate myself, maybe I should come out, I should tell Kirsten, I SHOULD.

yeah, I need to, uhh
I'm planning something just this time this would go with what I would do.

maybe I should be a planer, I plan stuff but doesn't really do it.
Sounds me, but it's not.
I should stop now. stupid.


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