CHAPTER 34: Arrangements

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I am lying on my couch, upside down. My feet are on the headrest and my head is on the seat. There's a bar of chocolate beside me and probably some on my face too, but I don't care. My phone is lying on my stomach and some 90's hip-hop is blasting from it.

Ari has gone to work and I am having my day off since I came back last afternoon. I have a shift at the cafe but that is in two hours to be exact, so I'm doing what a normal adult does. Absolutely nothing.

I am thinking whether to message Rick about our meeting arrangements now or wait for his text. I start swinging my feet in sync with the beat, feeling the rhythm.


I take another piece of my chocolate and moan in delight. My feet are still swinging in the air and now my head starts bobbing up and down.


Ugh! This has to be Rick ruining my lazy morning. I unlock my phone and my guess was right.

' should we discuss our meeting?'

' pretty lady it's not gud to sleep till late morning.'

I roll my eyes at his stupid assumption.

' yo! Wassup dude??'

' r u Liza? I guess I'm talking to wrong person. Sorry for the inconvenience.'

' yes I'm Liza and wassup with you?'

'r u high?'

'yup! High on chocolate!'

'oh God!! I'll text u later when u sober up.'

I snort at his reaction and decide to stop playing with him.

' shut up. What do u wanna discuss about?'

'our meeting' I could feel him saying this in a duh tone.

' yeahhh right. What about it?'

I connect my phone to the speakers and the music starts blasting from it.

' there r few things that we need to confirm before we meet.'


'first: our meeting place'

Meeting place? A park? A cafe? A hotel? A public gathering? A restaurant? A park? A cafe?

' what do u have in mind?'

'choose one... Park or cafe?'

A coffee shop seems a really good place but a park is much more safer. I can scream bloody murder if he turns out to be a stalker or an old man.

' park'

' good choice. When do we meet?'

Hmm...good question. I'm having a leave today, so I don't mind meeting today or weekends would do.

' I'm having a leave today. So today evening or weekend would do.'

' today evening ' Wow that was fast. Someone's way too eager to meet me.

' k. Time?'

'how bout around 5?'

' 5 sounds good.'

' okay so we're meeting today evening at Central Park at 5'

' yes we are.' I smile widely as I send this text to him.

' k. Second and d main point: recognition. How do we recognize each other?'

Okay. That's a big question. How do we recognize each other. I can't ask him the colour of his eyes or hair because that would just ruin the fun.

' how about some password?' I type the craziest idea I have in my mind.

' password?'

' u know we decide a password among us and when we meet we say the word and recognize each other.'

' that's nice but I don't plan on going to each and every girl at the park and say umango- bongo. I'll end up in a mental institution.'

Umango-bongo? That's the only thing he came up with? That's low.

' fine. I quit. What do u suggest, milord?'

' how about keeping it simple? Like holding a bouquet of flowers or chocolates or a book which we both love?'

Why did I not think of that before? Well that's simple and I love chocolate. I look beside me and see the last piece of chocolate. I stare at it for some time like it's trying to challenge me.

I take it and pop it on my mouth.

I can never live my life without you, chocolate....

' chocolate is good. We both will be holding the exact same chocolates.'

'ya that's fine. I'll also hold a bouquet of lilies, ur favorite.'

What a sweet friend! Treating me with chocolates and lilies.

' okay. So it's done. We're meeting today.'

' yes we are.'

I get up from the sofa and start dancing, squealing and jumping. Any person would say that I've gone mad, and believe me I have gone mad in this excitement.

I drop down on my couch, breathing very heavily.

I should start doing exercises.

Then realization hits me again.

Oh my God! We are going to meet in few hours!

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