CHAPTER 30: The hunt

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"So at what time is the party starting?" My mother asks after sitting on the chair to have her breakfast.

My parents are the greatest persuaders in this planet. They somehow managed to get Eric to stay the night. Obviously he took the guest room.

No wonder why they are both lawyers.

After I cried my heart out, I started talking to my brother. I told him everything, from my moving out of California to meeting Eric's parents. Eric stayed quite the whole time and I was grateful for that.

Few hours later, we left the graveyard feeling light. We went back home and everything went back to normal.

"I'll pick her up at five in the evening." Eric replies while adding butter to his toast.

"You know what this means Liza?" My mother asks getting excited.

"What?" I take another bite of my chocolate pancakes.

"We're going shopping!" My mother squeals like a teenager.

"Liza, did you make any more friends other than Ari and your neighbor Jake? Because you aren't saying much about anybody else." My father speaks out of the blue.

"Well I have Kathy as my friend too." I pout.

"That owner of the cafe you work at? Okay. But that's it? I thought we raised you to be more social."

"Well there's this guy I met online." I shrug and continue eating. Better tell my parents everything.

My father stops drinking his coffee, my mother stops chewing and Eric has an unreadable expression on his face.

"What do you mean?" My father asks.

"You know, you surf through some social media sites, a guy sends you a request, you accept and we started chatting. Simple." I explain it to them.

"Okay. Sweetie you do know that these things are not safe right? What if he's some trafficker or some old man who got bored with his life?" My mother starts questioning me.

"Mom, relax. We are on good terms. We have even planned to meet next week."

"Okay Lizzy, but don't forget to carry your pepper spray with you. Does this guy has a name?" My father questions about him.

"Yeah. Rick, it's a pet name actually and I plan on asking his real name on our meeting."

Eric starts coughing and I hand him a glass of water.

"Are you okay?" I ask him in concern.

"Yeah I'm fine. The-The toast went thro-through the windpipe." He stammers.

Okay. That's not normal at all.

"I have to leave. My sister has been continuously calling me. I fear if I don't go back, I might lose the title of a brother." He jokes as he gets up from his chair. My parents also get up from the chair and we stand near the door.

"Thank you for staying the night with us. You can come by anytime you are here." My father shakes Eric's hand.

"Of course Dad." Eric smiles.

He turns to my mother and she engulfs him to a motherly hug. She whispers something to him and Eric's eyes widen but then he nods.

Not suspicious at all...

Then he turns to me. "I'll drop you to the car." I give him a small smile. He nods.

We reach to his car. "I'll see you in the evening." He whispers.


He leans down to me and gives a peck on my cheek. My eyes widen by his action.


"Bye. Tell Melanie, I said hi."

"Okay." He starts the engine, turns around and drives away.

Why am I feeling so sad? I'll see him again in the evening.

I went back inside and I find my mother having a smug face.

"Are you sure there's nothing going on between you two?"


"How about this one?" My mother takes out a light pink cocktail dress.

I scrunch my nose at the sight of the colour. "No. It's too pink. I don't want pink." I reject a dress for the umpteenth time.

We are currently shopping for the silver jubilee celebration. Eric will be back here in exactly four hours and we still haven't bought a dress. I just can't find the one.

We are at my mom's friend's boutique which has a major variety of party dresses but I'm not able to find what I want.

"How about this one then?" She points out to a red backless gown which is having a way to deep neckline cut.

That dress only covers the stomach area!

"Mom! I'm going to a party as his assistant and date not as his whore!" I narrow my eyes at her but she chuckles.

"Sorry sweetie, I was just testing your taste." I roll my eyes at her.

It looks like the saleslady has also lost hope in us so she left.

I continue my hunt but I do not find anything proper. It's either too low or too exposing or shows too much back.

I sigh in defeat.

"Mom, I think I should call Eric and tell him th—" My eyes fall on a light blue mermaid dress.

The colour reminds me of his eyes.

"Tell what honey?"

I walk towards it and take it out. My mother follows my sight and smiles. I walk towards the changing room and try it on.


It has sweetheart neckline attached with a embroidery sleeve. It doesn't show too much back or too much cleavage area. Exactly the right amount which I wanted.

I get out of the changing room and hear a small gasp from my mother.

"Hey Mom?"

"Yes sweetie?"

"Call Eric and tell him to wear a light blue tie."

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