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The nightmares had started the night I moved back into my room. Rolling heads and burning bodies was all I saw. With me in the centre of it. Smiling at the carnage. Fiery red veins decorating my skin. All I heard were screams. People begging for mercy. It lasted 2 weeks until I couldn't take it anymore and woke up in a cold sweat marching into Xander's room. The first night I slept in his bed they stopped. The same for the second and third. Until I woke up one day to him and Ken moving my things into his room. I hadn't had a nightmare once since then.

It had been a month since I had come to the camp. I spent all my evenings at Christina's learning spells and how to tap into my energy. I could do basic ones and I knew a few complicated ones but I was holding myself back and I knew it.

I had a nasty habit of over thinking and my imagination usually came up with colourful images of me destroying the whole camp or on Mondays I imagined myself blowing up due to power overload. Delightful I know.

"You're doing it again." Christina sighed making me turn to her.

"Doing what?"

"Over thinking. Holding yourself back. I don't know what you're scared of but you can't let your fear hold you back." She told me. A snow white owl flew in threw the open door and landed on her shoulder.

"Is that a familiar?" I asked watching the bird watch me.

"Good you know what familiars are. And to answer your question yes, this is Gen." Christina smiled.

"Dad talked about them when we were doing witchcraft in class. That sounds weird out loud." I chuckled. "He said they were guides."

"In a sense yes. Familiars are low ranking demons that assume any animal shape. They're malevolent creatures, quite mischievous if you ask me. They're more attendants than guides. Although they do provide protection for witches as they come into their new powers. You should have one already it's strange that you don't. But seeing as there was a delay in you acquiring your abilities there might be a delay in getting a familiar."

"How do I even get one?"

"They come to you. When you're ready you'll feel the bond like a physical pull. I expect your familiar to be very powerful. Something with an affinity or resistance to fire. Along with your powers and rank you could get an upper-class demon. But that's not important for now. You should be heading to the clearing for combat training." She said shooing me away.

I left her little house and made my way into the clearing where Ken, Xander, Carlton and Anna were waiting. They had set it up like a small training area and I had been training with each of them to enhance the skills my dad taught me. Then at night I had history with Logan. It was more interesting than the history I was used to.

History with Logan involved practical sessions as well. He'd take me to meet different creatures and I got to experience their abilities first hand or see some of them shift. The ones that weren't in the camp I read about. There were books on every known supernatural being. Except of course dragons.

"You took your sweet time." Ken said jumping to his feet and wrapping an arm around my shoulder. Xander had given up shoving him off me and/or growling every time he did that. But you could still see the slight irritation in his gaze. I never understood why it bothered him.

"Well I didn't really want to come." I smiled shoving him away from me.

"Come on birdy it's just a couple bruises. It's not like they won't heal." Ken laughed.

"I find it unfair that you never bruise." I huffed.

"Maybe none of you is strong enough to bruise me." He shrugged.

Hunted (REWRITTEN) Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum