Chapter 38: The Contractions

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"What happened?" Russo Durante asked both of them.

Bianca still holding her cheek from the slap earlier answers. "She hit me! I just gave her my engagement card, Does she have to be that angry?" She frowns as she explains. "I'm afraid that someone had a bad marriage and is jealous that I'm getting married soon to a wealthy man," she lies.

Russo Durante grins. If she does not have a good marriage, then who does? he asks his mind. "Gisella, you tell me what happened." he insists.

"Chief publisher, I can't tell you clearly what happened, so why don't I just show you?" she furrows her eyes looking at Bianca. "A Dog like you deserved to be raped while walking down the street!" she smirks. "I think, Any woman would have hit her when they heard someone talk about them like that!"

"What do you mean, Am I wrong?" Bianca roars.

"Bianca Contenese!" Russo warns. "What happened at the Company anniversary dinner has a serious impact on the company. So I will let someone more suitable to come and take your position. From today onwards, you're no longer the Lead publisher of Team one," he added lastly.

"I am demoted?" she asks in shock then frowns at Gisella. I never realized that Gisella has hooked up with Chief publisher Russo. No wonder he favors her. "Gisella, we will see!"


Gisella was working on a document enclosure when her from buss gaining her attention. "Message from my husband," She picks up the phone.

I'll wait for you outside of the company building after work.

Gisella smiles. "Haha, from your look I can tell it's from the Italian Adonis himself," Gisella flinched in shock at hearing Leonora's voice from behind her.

Gisella blushes at Leonora. "Stop doing that all the damn time, Leonora, you will surely give me high-tension one of these days," she complains dramatically at her to cover up her embarrassment.

Alessandro opens the door with a hand gesture for Gisella to go in. She enters as Nicolo didn't look at her with his face pinned to a document. "Let's hurry home for dinner," he smiles at Gisella.

"I'm craving for watermelon and apple. Can we go now? I am feeling strange," she sighs.

"Let's go now," Nicolo told Alessandro as he started the engine. Nicolo rests Gisella's head on his shoulders.


-Month 9 of pregnancy-

-40 weeks-

I moaned silently in pain as I sat on the couch. I feel like I'm walking on hot irons. The baby could come at any point now. The nursery is done, It's a light pink mixed with white color, with cute decorations. My Mama, Tiziana, Zia Benedetta, Leonora, and Zeta helped to do it. I just watched them since I wasn't allowed to do anything and it's Sunday.

"Do you want anything?" Leonora asked as she walked into the kitchen.

"Watermelons and mostaccioli ?" I rubbed my aching waist. My stomach is not that big. Who will believe that I have two Caruso's inside of me right now? It worths it anyways. Leonora walks back with my watermelon and Mostaccioli cookies.

Someone reached out to grab a slice of my watermelon. I slapped his hand away. "Get your watermelon," I began to eat one, not bothering to look at my husband confused face of how greedy I've been for the past two weeks.

"Common, Mio Caro, you know watermelon has been my favorite fruit since I conceived your babies,"

Nicolo tries his luck again but Gisella slaps his hand away for the second time, making everyone laugh. "Not gonna happen," I laugh and continued to eat a slice at a time.

Everyone laughs at us. Immediately, I groaned in pain as I felt a cramp. " Goodness Jesus," I rubbed my belly.

"Mia Cara, are you okay?" Nicolo asked worriedly. I felt a pop and a liquid slowly trickle down my leg.

"My waterbag just broke, ow-ow-ow," I groan in pain. "Just help me up," Zia Benedetta and my Mama held my hands and help me up.

"What is happening?" Nicolo asked confused.

"My water broke," I told him calmly, trying to explain to him in my current condition.

"What water? there is no water here, Mia Cara," he sounds confused too. I groan at him. Seeing my condition, he immediately understands. "Oh my goodness! Nora, go get the bag and Alessandro, you go get the car," Nicolo spoke quickly and ran to the nursery as Zia Benedetta and my mama walked with me to the door. I screamed in pain as I felt another contraction, I held Nicolo's hand tightly.

We heard a flush in the bathroom and we all looked up to see Tiziana who was whistling as she came out of the bathroom. "Oh, my, oh my, what is happening?"

"Her water broke," Leonora said as she ran back to us with the hospital bag that has been prepared two days ago by Nicolo and Zeta.

"Oh my God," My husband grumbles in fright.

Once we reached the where Alessandro packed the car, Nora was right behind us with the hospital bag. Nicolo rushed to the driver's seat and took us to the hospital.

immediately we arrived at the hospital, Nicolo started calling nurses and Dr. Vixenalle's name. "Excuse me, my wife here is pregnant, and her water broke," He told Dr. Vixenalle. She nods to the other nurses who were stunned knowing now who Nicolo's hidden wife is. The Nurses grabbed a wheelchair.

"It's finally time," Dr.Vixenalle said with a smile as they settle me on the bed. "Do you guys have a name yet?"

I and Nicolo looked at each other and back at Dr. Vixenalle. "A few," I replied.

"I'm going to need everyone to go into the waiting room except Signor Caruso, you can stay," Dr. Vixenalle spoke. Leonora, My Mama, Tiz, Alessandro, and Zeta nodded their heads in understanding and left the room.

"How are the contractions?" Dr. Vixenalle asked due to the facial sweats that are occurring due to the contractions.

I winced in pain and held the hem of my gown tightly. "It hurts like hell, Mi sta uccidendo, cazzo," I sighed and began to breathe deeply. "How long am I going to get dilated?" I asked Dr. Vixenalle as I rest my head on the pillow.

"You are Five centimeters dilated," Dr. Vixenalle informed me after she checked my cervix. "Once you're ten centimeters we can begin, I'll be back later to see how dilated you are," she left the room with Nicolo sweating nervously by my side in awkward silence.

"I've to talk to you about something important right now, In case something bad happens to me," I admit, rolling my eyes in light pains.

"Nothing bad is going to happen, Mia Cara," He shushes me with his fingers to my lips that has been covered up with tears and sweats. "Don't say anything, just relax pleases, I can't bear seeing you in such condition." His eyes became teary. "I won't put you through this again after our baby is out," he ensures me.

"No, You will because I want more kids," I smile to ease him up. "Just listen to me," I frown again.

"Just save it for later, Mia Cara," he insists.

"No, Just allow me to speak," I groan.

"Relax.....Gisella," He repeats.

"Just shut the fuck up and listen to me!" I yelled at him, feeling another contraction coming in. He became tensed looking at me. Before he dares to interrupt again, I added. "I know who started the fire fifteen years ago,"

Nicolo was Immediately stiffened by my words. I screamed again as the sixth contraction takes place.


~who do you think started the fire that killed Nicolo's Mama?

~what is Nicolo's Mama's name?

~how do you think Nicolo will react when he finds out the name of who killed his mama?

~How did Nicolo became blind?

The correct answer will get a shoutout on his/her book and also a dedication for the next chapter with also graphic design for any of his/her book.

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