Chapter 23: The Indiscretion

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I know what it is to feel unloved, to want revenge, to make mistakes, to suffer disappointment, yet also to find the courage to go forward in life. -Tim O'Brien

Gisella got up early and took her bath. "Where is Nicolo?" she asks herself. she went to the outside balcony of the hotel and saw him sitting down on a chair. "Mia caro!" she calls as she runs to hug Nicolo. Nicolo was stunned as always because Gisella is a strange lady sometimes. he pants her back and kisses her cheek slightly.

"Buongiorno mia adorabile moglie," Nicolo smiles. "Why are you up so early and why are you so happy?" Nicolo ask.

She smiles and holds his hand. "I'm happy because I want us to go out today, I want you to show me around Rome," she grins.

Nicolo was just smiling. "Okay, then. But I want to ask you for a favor!" he added with his normal grumpy look and it made Gisella set herself straight thinking what she has done wrong.

"Ok, dai, sto ascoltando," she swallows hard.

Nicolo holds her arm, looking straight in her eyes. "I want you to keep my secret," he looks at her with sadness in his eyes. "It's just you, Zeta, Zia Benedetta, Alessandro, my friend Earl Devon the 3rd and few other persons." he looks deep into her eyes.

"And who is your friend Earl Devon?" she questions.

"You will see him soon, by two weeks time. He's my closest friend back then in high school and also in the business world. He's a mixed breed of Italian and British and also he's a duke of Rothesay (Scotland).

She smiles slightly. "Okay, but how about Viola and Pietro?" her smile died. "They both know that you can see," she added.

Nicolo smile as he held her cheek." It's ok, anyway, I don't have to keep it a secret anymore, can you help me with one more thing?" he draws closer to Gisella.

"What are you doing?" Gisella's voice trembled. "What is it?" she fidgeted looking deep at Nicolo's beautiful brown eyes.

"I want to know if your mama told you anything about my late mama's death, the cause of it" with this, Gisella grasps with heads down.

"You knew that my Mama was your Former Helper?" the evidence of shock lingers in her voice.

"sì" He muttered in a breath.

"Well, she didn't tell me much, but you need to see, I think my Mama knows something about your Mama's death," she frowns. "But don't worry about that, I'll help you with that. Just leave that mission for me. can we go out now?" she twirls her head back to the man who she realized that she has fallen deeply for.

"Oh, yeah?" He asked sardonically to the way she hated before. "From the look on your expressive eyes, you are insulting me in that small head of your,"

She almost smiled. Almost. To the way, his accent hits the rolls of is tongue this moment. "What now? do you want to go back in being mean and grumpy towards me? Mr. Caruso?"

Nicolo gave her the look like a six-year-old child who is trying to outwit him. "Oh, really Signora Caruso. I am not that bad when grumpy. Give me some credit,"

She rolls her eyes at him in a childlike way. "Can we go to eat now and go out or not?" With Gisella saying this, It hit Nicolo real hard that Gisella is pregnant.

"Oh Mia Cara, I'm so sorry, let's go." he mouthed in a pretending frown and holds her up in a bridal style and Gisella started laughing.


Strolling outside the hotel wearing regular outfits without a car or the help of Zeta was fun. Gisella was just looking perky holding Nicolo's hand.

"You look very beautiful, Gisella," Nicolo was just staring at her nonstop.

Gisella blushes and winces playfully. "Gisella?" A recognized voice was heard from behind them. They both turn around in haste.

"Pietro?" She whispers with the feel of the follicles in body erupt. The looks on Nicolo's face was unbearable. He could sting Pietro to death right now.

"I have something to tell you, let's find a place." He spat without thinking twice about her husband who was standing beside her. She looks at Nicolo for approval. He nods and they all walk into a restaurant that was closer to the road.

A few minutes later. They order their dishes, Gisella was sitting beside Nicolo, while Pietro was sitting in front of them. Gisella was smiling as Nicolo feeds her sliced fruits and it made Pietro embarrassed.

Pietro cleared his throat to gain the lovebird's attention. "Gisella, I have ended my relationship with Viola," he spat. Nicolo was just there as if he can't hear what he was saying to Gisella. Gisella groans and grits her teeth. "I said I am no longer in a relationship with Viola," he repeats with an appalled tone.

Gisella looks at Nicolo in angst who was busy eating and looking at his phone as if he is not paying attention to their conversation. She sighed. "I've heard you, Pietro,"

Feeling hoped. "So..." Pietro announce.

With this, Gisella frown tightens. "So what?"

"Is there no way that we can get back together?" Pietro becomes antsy as he bangs his hand on the table. Nicolo eyed him in annoyance.

With a slight hiss. "Are you suffering from aphasia? I say NO! not even in the future!"

He was suddenly filled with apprehension. "How can this be? Gisella, You don't love him, I know that" he spats.

He hits the table arduously. "It's him right?" he points at Nicolo who was just looking at him. "It's because of him, He is a liar and a cheat. He cheats you of knowing how emotional you're by acting blind. It is because of him right?" he yells. "Because you need him to support you and your parents, so you rejected me,"

Gisella smiles anomaly. "It has nothing to do with my husband..."

This made Nicolo smile. "This is a famous dish here, faster have a taste, you don't want my child to get hungry down in your stomach right?"

Pietro frowns at Nicolo Menacingly. "Gisella Molinero," he yells.

Gisella looks at him with a pretending frown. "Ah... Point of correction, It's now Gisella Caruso," she turns facing Nicolo as he continues to feed her the dish.

"Gisella, you don't need to be afraid of the Caruso's. I will deal with them. You can just trust me, I will accept the child as my own and we'll get married as dreamed." he inquires.

This made Nicolo and Gisella frowns. Nicolo looks at her in concern, but in her eyes was pure hatred on those pretty hazel eyes, but she immediately blinked it away. "A man should not let go of a jewel that he finds admirable, A man should not let that jewel slips away from his hand. Some men were fooled enough to do that but not me." Nicolo took Gisella's creamy hand and kissed it. "She is mine, Pietro and I can't let you have my baby." Nicolo's eyes were enough to scare a full human being.

Nicolo could see happiness and desire on her pretty eyes as we stared at each other like they're the only ones in the restaurant. "I would kill anyone who will try to steal her away from me..."

This made Gisella smile and she looks at the stunned Pietro. "Are you done?" she looks deeply at Pietro. "You can leave us now. I and my husband are here for honeymoon, please don't spoil it for us," she sniffs. "Please, security, Walk him out," she added.

The security man stands in front of Pietro. "Signore, Please," he gestures his hand to the door. Pietro was still standing looking shocked. "If you don't go, I will have to take other measures," Pietro looks at Nicolo and Gisella one more time before backing them.

"Mister Santoro," Nicolo calls and made Pietro to halts. "Let me give you a piece of advice. No one can always make the correct decision. Do not regret it or feel bad about it, you where the one who made this decision. Sometimes, It's just an action that changes the fate,"

This made Pietro look apoplectic "Ridiculous!" he mouthed and walks out of the restaurant with the security by his side.

'She is mine and I won't allow anyone to covet over her!' Nicolo speaks in his mind.

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