Characters Ages/Grades

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I think this will be very helpful.

It's a chapter-thing for most of the characters' ages and what grades they are in. I understand that it's hard to keep track of them all, so if you ever get confused, please refer to this chapter-thing!

Disclaimer: You won't meet all of the characters until a few chapters in, so you probably won't need this until later.

Oldest - youngest:

Hannah Montgomery is 22, she is recently married to Brandon Montgomery who is 23. Hannah is a senior in college and Brandon graduated from college a year ago. Hannah is the oldest Taylor sibling.

Cody Taylor is 18. He's single and is a senior in high school. He's very open and he loves acting.

Bella Williams and Jack Rivers have been dating for almost a year. They are both 18 and a senior in high school. They both run track and are friends with Ryan.

Ryan Taylor is 17, he is in a two-year relationship with McKenzie (Kenzie) Moore who is also 17. Ryan is 5 months older. They are both a junior in high school. Ryan runs track and is very cocky. Kenzie dances.

Max Taylor is 16. He just turned 16 and is currently single. He's 3 months older than Peyton and is a sophomore in high school. Max is so sweet and nice and is a great listener. He swims, sings, and plays guitar.

Riley Brown is 16. He's in 10th grade and goes to school with Peyton and Liv. He's a dancer, just like Liv and Peyton. He's gay and has an obsession with High School Musical.

Peyton Smith is 15. She is single and a sophomore in high school. She loves music, singing, and dancing. She plays guitar and piano.

Jordan Brooks is 15 and a sophomore in high school. She's super chill. She plays basketball. She met Peyton in one of their classes together at Peyton's new school.

Olivia (Liv) Johnson is 15 just like Peyton. Peyton, Liv, and Riley are all best friends. Liv dances with Riley and Peyton. She's a writer, but she doesn't like people reading her works. She doesn't have any books published, yet.

Tyler Taylor is 12. He's in 6th grade and is an artist. He plays drums and baseball. He's a little reserved at first but eventually opens up to you once he gets to know you.

Lucas Taylor is 7 and in 3rd grade. He plays the piano and can't keep a secret. He's very open and he loves pranks.

Mathew and Lilly Taylor are 3. Matthew is older by 7 minutes. They both aren't in school yet. They are the cutest little things and are so sweet and adorable.

I hope this is helpful!

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