23 - My Love

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Janvi pov

Sleep is far away from me and tears never leave me alone at least for few minutes.

Even my pills failed me today. The time is just 2 am. I felt like taking some fresh air so, I went to the garden and sat near the artificial pond. The cold breeze hits my cheeks making my tears dry.

How unlucky me, I can never be happy with anybody. Never can I be happy even for a day? A single day? My mobile is beeping making me wake from my thoughts.

It's Adam "Hi Adam"

"I no talk to you Javi" a smile automatically formed in my lips hearing his cute tone.

"Why my boy?"

"I want to see you Javi" I kept silent.

"You don't like me? So only you not coming to me?"

"No Adam, it's not I will come to you don't worry" i replied abruptly.

"Your promise?"


"I love you Javi"

"Love you too Adam" I cut the call with a small smile after few minutes of chatting.

"Can't get enough of one guy?" What is he doing here at this time? I didn't turn to him.

"Just a few hours before you have been with a guy, not even a few hours passed and started to get ready for another one?" I got up wiping my tears and walk past him. He holds my arms tightly and pulled me to him. I tried to push him but he more strong than me.

"Why are running to get men's scrutiny everywhere you head. How many times you can with a different man every night. Don't you ever get tired?" I cringed at his words.

"Answer me you slut. And how much you get paid for a night I need a new one" That's it I lost my patience. I hit his chest with my palms. I hit him again and again, I started to hit him with both my hands. His grip loosened.

My eyes started to water continuously unable to keep the pain inside me. If my tears are his satisfaction, then I won't give him that.

"I will do whatever I want, I will go with whoever I can. Yes, I am with Vihaan the whole night and I will go with another man if I need to satisfy my pleasure. If you can go then I too can do it. Yes, I am a slut, whore, and gold digger. Remember one thing Mr Dev, I am only a maid in your house and PA in your office. So don't interfere in my life" I said in a calm tone. But I am dying inside. Ignoring his looks I ran to my room without an ounce of guilt in me. . .

For the past week, I tried my best to avoid him. Few talks about business and I serve him dinner. I won't miss my duties as a wife even I hate cooking for him.

Today morning I had my periods which was worse in the last 5 months. The pain is unbearable, I even had painkillers, but my stomach and back are aching like hell.

To make this worse this elevator is also taking revenge on me. It's not working, so all the elevators are under construction. We are having a meeting with our foreign delegates. The meeting is on the 27th floor. We went there through his private elevator. While I was checking things in the conference room, he called me.

"Ms Hayer"

"Yes sir"

"I think I forgot the documents. Can you get it?" He asked looking through his papers.

"Ok sir" I went to the elevator, the man said that his private elevator is also put under construction. Should I have to get up through the stairs? But how can I go to the 35th floor through the stairs?

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