16 - you will regret saying yes

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Janvi POV

My sister walked me to the garden, can see a couple maybe Adith's parents. She came to me and asked how I am I nodded my head in yes and she asked me why I wear simple saree,

"I am sorry aunty" maybe I should have taken something grand but I like it simple.

"It's an ok beta, you look beautiful in this, but the bridal dress should be my choice," she said giggling.

"Sure aunty," I said not smiling.

Her smile vanished. Did I do something wrong? She is such a good woman but I don't have any intention to hurt her.

She takes me to Adith and introduced us. I gazed into his eyes, he is starting me more like absorbing me. Those grey eyes are still the same which is warm and bold. He had changed but not much, his dark black hair looks so soft, his chest looks wide and much stronger, how much does he work out, his beard is trimmed slightly making him more beautiful. How can he be more handsome?

I wish things were different 6 years ago. I want to live happily with him. I want to hug him, I want to be in his arms seeing his beautiful grey orbs. But those are for me. I can't be for him. He won't be for me, he will never see me the way I see him.

I moved to his father,

"I am Adith's dad," he said with a smile.

"Hi uncle", I said.

" So how is your life in London?" He asked.

"It's good uncle"

"I had already seen you in London at your graduation"

I am amazed by his words.

"We are proud to have you as our daughter"

I gave him a small smile. It's the first time to hear someone who says that he is proud of me, not even my parents. It's the first time I am smiling, with someone other than Adam.

Ohh, Adam, I forgot to call him, I will after this engagement.

His mom asked us to sit in the chair for exchanging our bands. I keep on looking at my lap, afraid to look at him. I am obvious that I will cry if I look that again today. But I can feel his continuous stare on me. I have to control my emotions. My mom took my hand and gave it to him.

As soon as my hand made its contact with his, I feel something in me get back it's life. It's the first time he is touching me. I want to read his eyes to know his state. But I didn't. The ring is stunning yet simple the way I like.

Then he extended his hands to me, I put the ring in his. After a few seconds, he got up from the chair and walked away. I can sense his outrage. He won't ever be able to love me. I know it. He is not willing to marry me. I turned to my mom to see her as if nothing happens. No concern.

I felt a hand on my shoulder to see my MIL seeing me with an apologetic and pitiful look.

"It's ok aunty, can I go to my room?" I asked, understanding my situation she shook her head as affirmative.

On my way to my room,

"Again become an unwanted person in another person's life? How pitiful Sister" she said in a mocking way.

Yes, I am despised again!!!

I went to my room and get changed into my loose Kurti and pants, after talking with A for 15 minutes, I take my sleeping pills and get into mattress.

I have been tossing in the best for more than an hour, but I am not getting sleep. His anger looks making me lose my sleep. If he doesn't want to marry me then why he accept this? Is he forced to marry me?

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