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I wake up this morning excited for the day ahead. I know that nothing can ruin today. Since we're going on a field trip, I won't have to see Connie this morning and we won't be getting back until after lunch so I won't have to hide in the bathroom to eat. We'll be having a little picnic with brown bag lunches like we did in elementary school. The people in my class know about what happened yesterday but none of them were a part of that group from yesterday that ridiculed me.

I get up and start to get ready. My hair, as always, is a tangled mess thanks to my love of rolling around at night. But I don't hear my dad rustling around downstairs like I normally do. Maybe he's sick? I go out into the hallway and peek into his room. He was on his knees on my mom's side of the bed praying with his prayer beads held tight in his hands. As I try to back out without disturbing him, the floor lets out a hefty creak.

He looks up at me and says, "Good morning, sweetheart." His eyes look red like he had been crying.

"Good morning, dad," I say back to him. "Are you not feeling well today, you're usually up and out of your room by now."

"Oh I'm feeling fine, Marie. Just a little sluggish. But I'll tell you what? How about you go out for breakfast today? Maybe call one of your friends."

I look at him confused. Since when have I had friends that I knew well enough to randomly call up. I also remember that I am supposed to help him set up for mass in the morning and attend the sermon.

"But what about church this morning," I ask him. This situation just seems to keep getting weirder.

"Oh don't worry about that. I'll set up by myself. You go and have a good day." he says, reaching into his wallet and handing me $20.

I stand there, still confused. Who is this man and what has he done with my overprotective, uber-religious father? He gives me a kiss on the head and walks into the bathroom. Well, I guess I'm going out for breakfast.


I've gotten ready and I'm about to walk out of the house before I realize that I don't know of any nearby restaurants that I want to go to. I also don't have any friends who would give me recommendations. I just decide to walk through the market because they have amazing food carts and I could see Aunty Roseline.

I'm enjoying the beautiful morning and how you can almost see the city waking up. Lights turning on in windows and the smell of people cooking breakfast. My hunger starts to get the better of me as I imagine pots of cheesy grits and sizzling pans bacon and my mouth starts to water.

Most of the walk through the market is spent trying to avoid seeing Crazy Anne and her demonic granddaughter. I feel a weight lift off of my shoulders when I walk by her shop and it is still closed. Before I realize, I'm at Aunty Roseline's fruit stand. But it is still closed. What is happening? Aunty is usually open much before now. Could something have happened with Aunty's knee. I need to go see her. I start running around the building toward the back door.

Aunty Roseline and Rose live in a flat above their little fruit store. I've been up there a couple of times to get things for Aunty so I know that you can't hear knocking from upstairs in the flat unless you are near the door. I also know that they keep an extra key in a little compartment on the underside of the steps leading up to the door. I knocked a couple of times but I didn't get an answer. I decide to get the key out and let myself in. I hear distant voices as I turn to lock the door behind myself.

"Hello?" I call up the stairs as I take my shoes off. Aunty might have a heart attack if she catches me in her house with shoes on.

I cautiously walk up the steps, not knowing if I've crossed a line by letting myself into their house. As I reach the top, I look around and see that the main room looks a mess. I put some couch cushions back on the couch and I go into the kitchen.

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