chapter 10 💙

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Thank you babe " she said innocently before pecking my cheek.

Why is this so hard why do they make us do homework I already go to school if I wanted to do homework I would have asked to be homeschooled but at this point, I don't really have a choice?

"Oh hey jimin " I heard jungkook say before I lifted my head.

"Oh hey .... Y/N can I talk to you, " jimin asked

"Yh sure, what's up ?"
I asked wondering what he had to tell me.

"Um, can I talk to you away from the others ?" Jimin asked

Now everyone on the table was looking at me and jimin yet not a word was said.


I got off the table and I and jimin walked all the way out of the cafeteria into the hallway since everyone was eating lunch the hallways were empty.

" What did you want to talk about ?"

"Oh nothing much can I see your homework real quick "

"Yeah sure," I said handing him my homework

He didn't do anything he just looked at it

" Um, I'm not sure if all the answered are right.."


I said as I watched my homework get ripped into tiny pieces

He threw it on the floor

"Don't say anything?" he said then left like everything was normal.

I picked up the pieces and threw them away before wiping my wet cheek.

I decided to walk back to the table.

"Oh Y/N your back what did he want to say," jungkook asked looking concerned.

"Oh nothing" I lied I didn't want to get in trouble by jimin.

"We need to get to class we'll be late," namjoon said to us

And with that, we left the table and headed into class


"Now hopefully you guys all remembered to your maths homework if not that will be an after school detention for an hour" miss announced

Minji looked at me and smirked I guess jimin told her that he ripped up my homework.

"I would like everyone to line up and hand in their pieces of work to me," miss said.

I watched as everyone started to get out their seats.

" Y/n where is your homework" miss asked

I looked at jimin before he looked to the floor

" I don't have it miss," I said quietly

"Yes, you do? y/n we all saw you do it." Jungkook said growing suspicious.

" Well if you don't have it on you y/n that's still an after school detention," miss said

"Y/n take my homework I'm sorry for getting you in trouble " jimin whispered

"But you're the one who ripped it?" I stated

"Minji told me to" jimin said with an apologetic tone his ears going down

Of course, it was minji always trying to make my life so difficult.

"But if I take it you'll get in trouble"

"It's fine" he shrugged before putting on a smile

"Are you sure?"

He nodded

"Miss I found my homework," I said as I got up from my seat.

Minji shot me a death look before looking at jimin.

"Jimin? Where is your homework?" Miss asked

"Sorry I left it at home " jimin shrugged

"That's an after school detention, you should really be more organised," miss said

"You didn't have to do that you know," I said

"It's fine I've been a real jerk lately and I'm sorry " he smiled

" I forgive you" I smiled

" For today's lesson we will be doing algebra " miss announced

"Ughh" the whole class sighed
Hope you enjoyed today's chapter I have decided I'll be posting chapters this length twice a week.
One on Wednesday and the other on Sunday 💜💙💜😀
Sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes I shall edit them later ✌🏽
If you are wondering when I will post the Q&A chapter I'll do it once I have more questions there will also be a Q&A at the end of the book 💜
But don't worry this story is nowhere near the end 😌

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best theories will be showed in the next chapter 💜💙💜💙


the year 3000 ( BTS hybrid X reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ