chapter 6 💜

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But she deserved answers especially after everything she went through today.

She would find out eventually anyway.


"Well, it all started 2years ago when sadly jimins sister, Jennie died. she was 1 year younger than jimin (17), jimin and Jennie were very close they never argued they were perfect siblings. But sadly Jennie became very sick one day the doctors didn't know how to help her and within a week she sadly passed away. Jimin was absolutely gutted he cried every day and was severely depressed we helped him the best that we could. Minji was jennies best friend believe it or not. minji was very kind back then. Jennie was extremely popular, minji not so much. minji looked different from Jennie but their personalities were completely the same; at the time of course. A year after jennies passing jimin started having feelings for minji but we all knew why jimin was too sad to let go and went to minji for help. minji helped jimin out a lot during the passing of his sister but then minji changed a lot and she was determined to become as popular as Jennie was it worked but she also turned into a big bully while trying to. We all tried to tell jimin to break up with her and that she was toxic and a bad girlfriend but he couldn't let go and that's why jimin is dating minji " I finished off trying to keep in the tears that were on the verge of pouring down.

Jennie was like a younger sister to all of us well an older one to me at the time I was 16 I'm 18 now.

I looked at Y/N she seemed sad at the fact jimin lost his sister.

" So did that 'spare' bedroom belonged to Jennie," she asked

I nodded

"So that's why they were filled with girl clothes " she spoke to herself.

Y/N yawned showing her arms as she lifted them into the air showing bruises and cuts.


I became very tired after hearing the sad story I kinda felt bad for jimin in away.

I yawned

" Woah Y/N how did you get all those bruises, " jungkook asked worriedly

What bruises I looked at my arms and they were covered in bruises and cuts how did I never notice them

" I-i don't know?!!" You said quietly

"Uhh jungkook"


"I'm tired can I sleep ..."

" Sure you don't have to ask," he said laughing

"..... Uh ... Can you sleep with Me I don't really want to be by myself right now," I asked avoiding eye contact

"Uh yeah sure but let's sleep in my room," he said showing his bunny likee smile

Jungkooks POV

I led Y/N to my bedroom it was quiet since the rest where still at school she is really nice I like her.

We finally got to my room Y/N being the first to get in the bed with me following. We snuggled with each other until I heard soft snores coming from Y/N.

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