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"Hey Lana!" My dad yells from the stairs, "if you're going out can you please be at home for your party tonight?"

"I can do that" I reply, shaking my head. I didn't ask him for the party, I really don't know these people anyways.

"Thank you!" My dad smiles, going back to his room.

I'm not planning on doing anything today except watch Netflix and maybe sleep, I'm still in my pajama shorts and sports bra. Where did he think I was going dressed like this? I will only know if I asked.

I grab a few snacks then head back upstairs, turning Charmed back on and nestling back into my blanket.

"Welcome home, Lana!" An older woman walks over, putting her hand on my arm before walking away to socialize with others.

I feel out of place at my own welcome party. Every single one of these people are my dad's colleagues and their families. A few introduce themselves as people I apparently knew in elementary school, but that was too long ago to fully remember. I yank my jeans up my ass a little more, grabbing my phone to check my messages.

-hows the party going, babe?- Chauncey

-Fine. I don't really know anyone here, but it isn't that bad. Dad pulled the stops out with the wine-

-I know you like a good wine-Chauncey

-Shouldn't you be going to sleep?-

- I'm about to, chill. Just wanted to know about your party- I can tell he's rolling his eyes as he replies.

I'm not sure what I see in him half the time, I was probably just lonely and he was an assertive male that filled the void. Okay.. way too many psychology classes going on there. I honestly should just dump him since I'm not sure I will be returning to Germany any time soon. I also took all of my belongings with me, claiming I didn't have much here in Cali.

"You know... this party isn't that bad" A male says from behind me.

I turn around to face him, a little bit of recognition to him, "Yea? It has wine so I would assume it's a hitter"

"Not a partying fan?" He asks me

"I am, I just would rather party with people a little more my age" I laugh

"Dante" He throws his hand out for me to shake

"Lana," I shrug, "but you already knew that since this is my house and party"

"True, I did know that but at the same time I wanted to see how the great Lana the Flyer has faired"

I haven't been called that in a long time... " The old days catching up to me" I laugh "We went to school together?"

"Yea, up until the 5th grade" Dante laughs "No one has beaten your great record on the monkey bars"

"I'm sure there is one dumb kid out there that has tried" I laugh again

"Probably after hearing of the legend" He smiles, pulling out his phone to reply to a text message.

"True, but it's not an idea that I recommend. I did break my arm after I made that record"

"Bet that ambulance ride was worth it" He nods

"Maybe" I laugh

How to Fall... Without Trying To (GirlxGIRL)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum