Chapter 7 - love -

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The forest became more scarier than what I have seen on the outside. I moved slowly, and look at the trees. I pull out a flashlight, and turn it on, and look around. Crickets and the forest make a sound, but it get more dark. "w-who is out there" I say a bit startled, and look around, a branch snaps, and I jump and turn to the sound. There was a dog, but he was smiling.. then I remember from "'Danplan, Are you a psycho' I drop the flashlight, and run into the forest. The animal cases me, and tears fall. 

I stop to catch my breath and someone tackled me, and I struggle. "shhh princess, do not be scared" someone says, and I open my eyes, his pupils are barley there, no sparkle, but I know who he was. 

"jeffery?" I say scared, and he tilts his head. "get off me!" I start to say, and he holds me down more. 

"sorry princess, I am going to have my fun~" he moves his hand to my pants, and I my eyes widen, and I scream at the top of my lungs, and he covers his ears, and I kick him off and start to run. I ran to my house. I went inside, scared. I fall to the ground, and tears fall. 

"why?" I say, then a thought came to me, and I ran up to my room and packed. Put money in the bag, and grabbed my dad's car keys. I head to the car, and put my stuff in the back. I search for my gun, and knife, and they were gone. "Shit" I say, but I get in the car, I need to leave, then, just maybe, I will be safe. I turn the car on, and go in driving, and drive off. I turn the head lights on, and fog came, but it was not thick. The radio started to mess up and I look down to change it, but nothing. I look up and slam on the breaks and turn the wheel, but I crashed. It knocked me out. The creature that stood there was Zalgo. 

(3rd POV)

Smoke covers the car, but Jane gets Y/n out of the car, and her stuff. She picks her friend up, and takes her to the mansion. "Ann, help" she calls out, and Nurse Ann runs into the room, she grabs Y/n and takes her to the infirmary, and start to clean her up. Slenderman appears.

'what is going on?' he asked and Masky decides to take the hit for her. 

"Sir, Y/n was in an accident, and I brought her here. Ann, she is taking care of her as we speak." Jane nod to him, and he nods. 

'is that so?' he asked, but he was worried. 'alright, inform me when she is awake' he disappears. Jane sighs, and thanks Masky. 

"thanks, dude" Jane says, and Masky giggles. 

"that is what we do Jane, tell Jeff he will get his punishment, and get Liu. I want you three there when she is awake, since you three were her friends, and I assume she like an answer on why you never visited." Masky walks away, and Jane goes off to set Y/n's stuff in her room, and off to find Jeff to kick his ass. 

an hour passes, and Ann comes out to say she is alright but needs rest. 

(Y/n's POV)

I wake up, and I am in a room. My memories from my past come to me, and tears fall. I cover my mouth, the thought of me hating him, hurts. I wipe my tears, and look at my injuries. Broken right leg, left arm broken, chest hurts..brain hurts. I groan, and I get up. I see pain killers, but I hate pills. I get up and my leg hurts. I grab a walking stick. I move quietly. The door opens and I grab a hold of the stick, and hit the person. They fell, and it was a women, I look closely. "Nurse Ann? shit.."my face get red, I am in slenderman's mansion. 

I walk to the door slowly, and open it, the hallway is grey but with a red streak horizontal, so I leave the room. It was noisy to the left, so I head right. I get to more doors but I don't open them. They might be the other's rooms, and I don't know who's is who's. I get to a big door, tall, black...Slenderman. I turn back and head down the other direction. I get to a kitchen, and the noise must be in the living room. I walk more quietly,  but someone grabs me and I scream. I turn and hit him with the stick. It breaks and he falls. Eyeless Jack rubs his head. Jane runs to the kitchen and runs to me.

"Y/n, you okay?" She ask grabbing my shoulders and I nod. "Ej, what the hell man." She turned to him and yells. Then something wraps around me and I look. Black Tentacles, Slenderman. It goes around my waist and he lifts me. I turn my head and blush.

"H-ey.." I try to giggles out, because he was hitting my weak spot...again.

'what is going in? Why is Y/n not in bed?' he says not looking at me and I sigh.

"I-" Jane starts but I finish.

"I got up, I hit Nurse Ann with the stick and I wondered. I came in here and Ej grabbed me and I screamed and hit him. Happy?" I say and he looks at me and my face goes red.

'.....y/n please get rest' he sets me down and Jane helps me stand up straight. 'Jane watch her' he vanished and I sigh.

"Come on girl. Let's get you back to bed" she gets me to the infimery and laughs when she sees Ann rubbing her head.

"What?" She ask and Jane set me down.

"How did you let an injuered girl get the best of you" Jane laughs out and Ann walks over to em and lays me down. She looks at my wounds and was surprised I didn't break anything that bad when I walked around. I am always careful.

-to be continued-

The Wind that lead me to you (Slenderman x Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ