Chapter 6 - lost -

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(y/n's POV)

I woke up and looked around. I don't remember anything from the long? I get out of bed and look around. I grab notes, they were gibberish, I don't understand...slowly my knowledge of what I already know, like who to speak, read, and write come back to my head. I read the card aloud. "Jane, my only friend is gone. She was in a tarrable accident, Jeff and his brother Liu are in the same boat as her. Best way to explain it is Slenderman. He didn't do anything to them, he is to kind...well to me at least. Anyways what they like to be called it Creepypasta." It ends there and I look more. 'Jane's phone password *******' and I look around and see the phone and grab it to turn it on. Password shows and I put it in. I turn it off to look through it later. Everything is a blur to me. My enter life. I have a father, a brother and a mother but who were they. I look through the papers and see a picture of a family but with an x over the father's face. I ask more question, like, what is my name? Where do I belong? Where is my family? I look through and see paper work for school. Y/n m/n L/n, age **, ********* High School. Rides the bus. I think and see pins and I clear a wall and start to pin papers that are important to me. Then everything made since except who was Slenderman?. " Who are you exactly? A tall man with no face? A suit? A creature that has killed children?" I say aloud and look out the window to see tree's. "I live near the forest, but that is were he lives. In the forest."

Soon days started to pass, I get up on school days and get to school but soon realize how much I get hurt. I have no friends. The friends I did have left me. I know who they are. Jane the Killer, Jeff the Killer, and Homicidal Liu. They left me. Slenderman, the past me must have trusted him but I don't. He must be the reason my memories are gone, but I will get them back one day. My father is gone, and my brother is not home along with my mother so I assume they are dead and I live alone. I am alone forever.

No one wanted to be my friend

I sit on my bed. Everything was a disaster. I was a freak, a child that was never meant to live. That is what everyone called me anyways. Over time I figured out what happened to my family except my father. How he died. My mother had cancer and died, my brother joined the army and died on duty. My father raped me, harrased me, and made me wear sexy cloths. Over time I liked them but, I truly never wore them because I didn't want to get rapped or killed.

Slenderman was a man that I did trust but after doing a whole lot of research, he took my friends, and would not let me see them.

I them had to block out that life so I can learn to out smart them. All of them Masky, Hoodie, Jane, Jeff, Liu, and Slenderman. My heart started to hurt when I thought that. Deep inside he was the only one that actually understood me. But he is the reason I have to do this. He took them away from me, including my memories since he takes memories just like in marble hornets.

So for 5 years I learned, I trained myself, and I took care of the crops. The crops needed me nor mater what I did. Of course it includes to keep my land alive. I kept changing crops every other season, but let it rest for a couple months when needed. That is what the old days forgot to do, take care of the land but they didn't know about that, but I care for my land. This is my home. He visits everyday and I never knew. He didn't even know about my memory loss. That was great, I have the upper hand to get him dead.

Graduation came. I head home after words since I had no family to celebrate with.

After I arrive home. I lay on my bed, and finally, stress was lifted off my shoulders. Tears fall. ", I miss you and Johnson...father I hope your good in hell" I hate him. I look to the forest and see the tall man and more anger comes to me. "It is time" I get up and change. I grab my mother's coat and head to the kitchen to grab a knife but also a gun. No one visits me. I put my hood up, and head out. I head into the woods. ' I am going to kill that man ' I gave bad energy off me, and soon it was sunset.

Did I want to be a killer? Am I doing the right thing? Should I just ask for my memories back?thoughts go threw my head as I walk into the forest. I was lost in my mind. I didn't know who I was at this point. I wonder if I am doing the right thing....

-to be continued-

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