Screw you

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The grey ceiling greets me again as I open my eyes the next day. After I am examined and shot with whatever poison the engineers came up with, I am allowed to leave my bed. I am still weak from the blood loss but I stubbornly refuse to grill my mind any further in the tent of pain and walk outside in search of my team.

The air is filled with warmth, as if welcoming it, cheerful sparrows jump around me. Everything changed in two days. Even the weather. The spring approaches. Even the roaches like Drellians could see that, I think bitterly as I walk in the melting snow. That snow under my feet tells me, it is still winter, though.

I wonder around picking into the tents and find Ozias with the rest gathered outside further into the camp. They are discussing the recent events. Only seven of us left now.

'We were supporting the D80 squad when the drones hit us. They had three small ones and managed to finish half of Drellians including A9. It was slaughter, Karmians intended to kill as much as they could manage. There was no connection and we were mainly on our own. It is good you at least managed to catch the guy who wanted to execute you,' Boyd says.

Torn clothes, their jackets unbuttoned. So much for an elite squad.

'Guss,' someone says.

Ozias squints. He brushes his hair with his hands. Nervous reaction.

'Yes, him.'

I stand behind them.

'Where is he?' I ask.

They all turn and come to shake my hand or pet me on the shoulder.

'How are you feeling, Major?' Brat asks.

But I ignore him and his cheerful mean.

'Where is he?'

'One of the officers from D80 division took him in after we ... um. Caught him. He has been interrogated but they are still indecisive as to what to do with him,' Ozias answers.

'We didn't catch him, Flint threw him away, Ozias. Like an empty bottle.'

He nods. The silence greets me as they all take in my hostile reaction. And I disregard them. Again.

'How do I find D80?'

'D80's tents are to the right. You need to ask for Colonel Williams.'

I turn around and leave without even a 'thank you'. I am unpleasant, rude and not eager to talk anyway so I might use my time to meet Guss. I find Williams easily. He stands outside, fidgeting with his torn jacket.

'Colonel,' I greet him.

He starts but composes himself quickly. Then nods in acknowledgement.


'I want to talk to Monrow.'

'He has been interrogated so there is no point.'

'I want to talk to Monrow, Williams. I want to know if he can help in finding Flint.'

'We asked him, he is useless for that.'

'Williams,' I warn.

'Look, I know you are on a hunt. The Council is still unsure what to do with him.'

'Unsure how?'

He fidgets. I am asking him to share confidential information. He looks down at the grey melting snow. And I patiently wait.

'They probably execute him. I guess it won't hurt if I let you talk to him.'

'Why wait then?' I challenge him some more, knowing too well he will not share anything. 'They still hope he could remember something. How desperate is this?'

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