58. Falling In Love

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Next morning, I woke up because of the sunrays that fell on my face through the glass door. Narrowing my eyes, I stretched my arms and a blush crept up my cheeks as I thought about last night, undoubtedly the best night of my life.

I turned around to find Aaron but he wasn't there. His muffled voice could be heard from the balcony. Rising to sitting position, I slid into his shirt to cover my bare body and then walked towards the balcony.

In the sunlight, the place looked even more beautiful. Different shades of green were spreaded over a long distance and the air was devoid of any smoke or impurity.

I watched Aaron lean against the fence on the balcony, speaking with something on the phone. He was wearing boxers and his bare, muscular back was facing me.

"You can rot in hell for all I care." he said to someone on the phone and cut the call.

Walking forwards, I hugged him from behind, wrapping my arms around his warm torso. Placing a small kiss on his back, I rested my head against his soft skin.

"Who were you talking to?" I asked nonchalantly, feeling him stiffen under my touch.

"Ryan." he said and my movements stopped. "Dad disowned him after knowing about his lie. He was requesting me to ask Dad to forgive him."

"Hmm." I responded. It felt like it was their family matter and I didn't want to interfere so I kept silent.

"I don't want to ruin our holiday by thinking about him." he said and turned around. Cupping my cheeks, he placed warm kisses on both corners of my lips.

"Someone will see." I yelped when he raised my shirt which was actually his, over my shoulder.

"There is nobody within five miles distance. And if there is, he would need telescope to see us." he said, leaning down to kiss my neck.

Gripping my butt, he pinned me to the wall and I giggled in excitement. There was something about making love to him against this scenery that made the experience much more exciting.

His fingers grazed my sides, creating goosebumps wherever he touched. "Oh..." I hummed as he did what he pleased. Who would believe that a person as sweet as him would be so dominant in bed? I did not.


Despite the time of the day, I was seeing stars in front of me. Beside me, Aaron was lying on the floor, the sound of his harsh breathing in sync with mine.

For a moment, neither of us spoke anything. At such moment, I was thankful of having nobody around us because if there was, our grunts and screams would have made it clear what we were doing.

My whole body was drenched in sweat and so was his. Every muscle in my body was exhausted and I don't think I'll be able to move for some hours.

I angled my neck slowly to watch Aaron. There were few hickeys on his chest and neck and I am sure there were some on mine too. His hair were a mess, a beautiful mess while I most probably looked like a ghost.

"It was...." I decided to speak but couldn't find the words to describe what I was feeling right now.

"Amazing?" he added and I nodded.

Letting out a small chuckle, he turned to face me and propped his head up with the help of his arm. I didn't care that I was naked right now or that I had many imperfections. I just cared about the adoration in his eyes for me.

How did I get so lucky?

And why in God's name did I leave this gem for that piece of shit?

"What are you thinking?" I asked as I found him staring at me.

He brought his hand to my cheek, gently grazing it with the back of his thumb. "I want to marry you."

"It would have been really romantic if we weren't already married." I replied, smiling as much as possible with the fatigued muscles and sleepy eyes.

"Not that Clara. A proper wedding, not something we did for the sake of our families. I want to see you in the wedding gown with an actual smile on your beautiful lips, not the fake one." he said.

Using my hand that was resting on my stomach, I mimicked his action and caressed his cheeks, his stubble tingling my hand.

"Anytime." I said and his smile widened. He leaned down and softly kissed me on my lips, pouring all his emotions in the small kiss.

"I love you." he said in between the kiss.

"I love you too." I said and that made him kiss me harder.


We spent the next two days in each other's embrace. Yes, we discovered the beauty of that place too and had fun by the lake but nothing could compete with the feeling of his kisses and his touch.

By the time we left for our apartment, I had my mouth curved into a pout. I didn't want to leave yet and neither did he, but he said he had important work to attend to and we will come here again.

At first, I thought he was kidding about the wedding but he was serious. It made me happy too because wedding is the most important day in a girl's life and I wasted that day in overthinking the decision of that marriage.

But now I knew that he was my home.

"Be ready at 12 tomorrow. I'll be taking you to a friend of mine. She is a designer and her speciality is wedding dresses." he said once we reached our floor of the building.

"So aren't you coming inside?" I asked.

"That's what she said." he winked.

"Aaron!" I frowned and he grinned.

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he kissed my cheeks and then muttered, "Not until the wedding."

Pouting, I watched him as he left saying he had some work. After he left, I entered into my apartment. Now that I knew what spending time with him felt like, staying in an empty apartment without him was making me sad.

Irritatingly, I changed into some fresh clothes and walked towards the door when I heard the bell rang. It was probably Aaron who had realised that living separately till the wedding was a stupid decision.

With an amused grin on my face, I opened the door and all the blood rushed out of my face when I found who was standing at the other side of the door.

A long pause followed the opening of the door.

"Ryan." I mumbled after what felt like a century.

The man that left me six years ago and who took away with him everything I had, my dignity, my pride, my sanity and a part of my broken heart.


just two more chapters.

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