5. A Date With Mr. Awkward

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Six years ago

During my last class, I got a text from Dad saying that he has arranged my meet up with Aaron Vincent and I was supposed to join him in the small cafe near my school for lunch. Once the class finished, I walked towards the school ground to tell Jenna Edwards, the head cheerleader that I won't be joining the practice today.

"Jenna." I called her name when I noticed her going towards the playground. She stopped in her tracks and turned around, dressed in the cheer uniform and her hair tied in a high pony, just like mine.

"Oh Clara! Why aren't you wearing your cheer costume?" she asked, plastering a fake smile on her face.

"I can't join the practice today. Hope you understand." I told her, mimicking her smile.

"Of course sweetheart, I understand. My mother told me about your Dad's company. Listen, if you need money, you can ask me any day." there was a hint of amusement in her voice, despite the pretence of sadness on her face.

"Sure." I spat through gritted teeth and turned around.

What does she think of herself?

Walking at a brisk speed, I reached the parking lot and trudged towards my car. The cafe was at five minute drive from my school. Once I stopped the car in front of it, I looked towards myself in the mirror.

My copper color hair was curled with perfection and the makeup was hiding all my imperfections. I was wearing a red pencil skirt paired with a black crop-top, leaving my navel bare. I was thankful for the gym sessions that helped me achieve the abs I can flaunt in such outfits.

After applying a second coat of lipstick on my lips, I stepped out of my car and sashayed my way into the cafe.

My eyes looked around, expecting to find a handsome man waiting for me but when a tall man with chubby cheeks, dressed in clothes that probably belonged to 19th century waved at me, my eyebrows automatically furrowed.

Hesitating a little, I walked towards him and gave a quick glance to him from head to toe. His brown hair reached his neck, framing his pale face. His eyes although beautiful, were covered with a set of thick, rimmed glasses. The shirt he was wearing didn't even fit him and through the white material, I could see the hint of a tummy. His brown pants could have been better if they weren't too big for him.

A man with poor dressing sense as my husband, no way in freaking hell.

"Hi, I'm A.. Aaron Vincent." he said and pinkish hue appeared on his cheeks.

So he blushes too. Great!

"Clara Avery." I said, ignoring his eyes that were zoomed in on my face.

"You're beautiful, Clara." he said in his deep voice. Now that I noticed, he wasn't bad looking. His features were nice and most importantly, he was really tall. But the extra pounds, those glasses and his poor dressing sense had ruined his looks. Tch.

"Thanks." I smiled, looking around to call the waiter. I ordered egg salad and iced tea for me and Aaron ordered a cheeseburger, which earned him a frown from me.

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