Chapter 13 - Hunted

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This chapter's going to be a mix between Aragorn and Legolas' points of view, so I hope you enjoy! Thank you Definitely-Lost for starting to read this story and commenting and voting; I love that this story is spreading!

Legolas moaned in his sleep. He rolled over, then sat up with a jerk when he realised the footsteps weren't in his imagination.

Not trusting the human fully, but knowing he could not get away, Legolas had learnt to ask him for what he needed and to lie still when his wounds were cleaned. But that was the limit to their bond.

Over the last couple of days, they had been heading West. Aragorn had not told him where they were headed, and he was far too afraid to ask for himself.

And so they went on. Every night, Aragorn would make a fire, set up a camp, and clean the injured elfling's and his wounds. And so far, they had seen no signs of pursuit. Until now.

There they were again. The footsteps. Dark. Cold. Alone. It was just like being back in the cell. He felt utterly helpless.

Hide. He couldn't face his father again, not after a taste of freedom. He knew he deserved to die, and so he was still very much broken inside, but he couldn't bring himself to let Thranduil torture him to death. He couldn't.


He glanced around for a good hiding place, but there was only the bare forest floor and the trees.


He couldn't hide behind the trees.


There was nowhere to run. He panicked.




He would have to climb the trees.

Choosing one with low branches, he swung himself up as best he could with a partly healed left leg and a useless left arm.

He had, of course, never climbed a tree before, but he was half Silvan, after all, and the instinct was strong inside him. He hauled himself up, branch after branch, despite the pain it caused him, and only paused when he was sure nobody would see him if they glanced up.

He pressed his forehead to the tree. Hannon le, Mellon-nín.

Ssssh, ssssh. They're coming. Was the tree's reply.

Legolas could just see through the branches as the human awoke.

Blinking bleary eyes, Aragorn wondered what has woken him.

Then he heard the footsteps. They were almost upon him! How could he have been so stupid as to not hear them?

Darting to the closest cover, he pulled himself up and dashed to the nearest tree. No time to clear away the camp.

He swore and turned back when he remembered the elfling. Where was he? Aragorn was searching clumsily though the camp for clues, then the trees when a hand grabbed his arm and dragged him up the tree he stood beneath.

Shocked into silence, Aragorn turned and saw... the elfling. He gasped, but was quickly silenced by a trembling hand over his mouth as the elfling mouthed: they're here and put a finger to his lips.

When Legolas removed his hand, the human stayed silent. Thank the Valar. But where had he got the strength to pull him up? Whatever it had been, it was gone now, and he sagged against the trunk, hearing it whisper teasingly to him. He listened.

You're welcome.

Legolas smiled, closing his eyes and pressing closer to the bark. Hannon le once more, Mellon-nín, he whispered.

Aragorn watched the exchange with wonder. This elf had never left his cell, and yet his connection with the forest was stronger than anything he'd ever seen. And the way he'd rescued him! Why had he done that? He had no reason to trust the human, or help him.

Aragorn could tell that he'd been scared of him all the time. He needed to tell the elf he was truly grateful.

When the human knelt before him, Legolas opened his eyes, flinching away instinctively but holding himself still when he realised it was only Aragorn.

What was it about that human? Legolas didn't know, but he trusted him. He trusted him enough to give him his name.

Then the human began to speak.

"Thank y-"

He was cut off by Legolas holding up his hand. The human looked so shocked, it was almost funny. Legolas smirked despite himself.

Suddenly he became serious once more. Pointing to himself, he murmured.


Aragorn nodded, feeling appalled and privileged to have the elfling tell him something which was clearly not everyday information to him. He smiled in gratitude.

"Thank you, Legolas. I don't know what made you help me, but... thanks."

He didn't really know how to express how grateful he was that the elfling was opening up, so he said nothing. Legolas seemed to understand, because he smiled gently, and it was the first time it reached his eyes.

The smile lit up his hopeless face, and Aragorn could see his elvish beauty beneath years of torment and pain, not to mention the fact that he was filthy. Aragorn couldn't even tell what colour his hair was.

Then Legolas froze. Aragorn marvelled at his hearing; he had lived with elves all his life and Legolas' senses far outmatches theirs. A look of pure terror entered the elfling's eyes and he curled in on himself slightly.

Aragorn heard the same thing about two minutes later. It was the footsteps again. He had thought that they had passed, but now they were returning, and heading straight for the tree that they were hiding in, and the camp below it.

Then, into the tiny clearing, stepped three elves. They were armed, and clearly guards of Mirkwood, for they were searching for something. Him and Legolas.

Silence filled the area as the guards spoke.

"This must have been their camp." The first muttered. He pressed his hand carefully to the ashes of the fire, and informed his companions, "it's still warm! They must be somewhere nearby - search!"

The others slipped into the trees, but the first remained.

"Wait!" He called, and the others turned back. "Someone has got here first! The camp has been searched. They must be somewhere further along; come on!"

Aragorn sighed in relief at the stroke of luck. Of course, he had looked through the camp for clues of where Legolas had gone!

But they had to move on. Scrambling down the tree, and helping Legolas down too, he grabbed his pack and scooped up the elf bridal style because he was swaying on his feet and moaning, and set off.

This wasn't going to have been easy anyway. But now... now they were being hunted.

Thanks everyone! I hope you enjoyed this and I'm sorry if the time between chapters being released is a bit irregular and also if it slows down; I'm kind of busy!

Next chapter: Aragorn discovers Legolas' history and why he was imprisoned.

Oh, don't forget to vote :P

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