Chapter 4 - Gates of Mirkwood

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Thank you to everyone who has read this story and supported it! Here is the next chapter (sorry it's a bit late):

As a green smudge appeared on the horizon, Estel felt a brief flash of excitement before it faded and was replaced with the growing worry that had been gnawing at him since he set off around eleven weeks ago. He had never met a wood elf before, let alone talked to or observed one.

His father had warned him that the wood elves were, on the whole, less than friendly and would not approve of him being the mortal son of an Elven Lord.

"Don't worry Ada, I'll be careful and I won't let them get to me!" Aragorn called cheerfully as he waved goodbye, a small escort of guards around him.

"Thank you ion-nín. I'm glad I can trust you."

Estel was jerked back to the present at the cough of a guard.

"My Lord? Are you listening?"

"Sorry Îdhír, what did you say?"

"Nothing important, My Lord" his personal guard replied affectionately. "I am deeply sorry that I disturbed you from your thoughts."

"It is nothing." the young man replied. Then seizing the moment, he called, "Race you to the forest!"

Not one to be outdone and the man's friend since childhood, Îdhír galloped after him. With his superior steed and elven grace, he easily beat the human to the forest borders, grinning as he looked back at the distant speck that was his opponent.

The grin widened as the human approached, breathing heavily and frowning playfully. "No fair! You had a head start!" He mock-pouted.

The rest of the party approached as they caught their breath, and the leader, Tinu, frowned at the elf and the human. "That, My Lord Estel, was irresponsible! And you, Îdhír, you shouldn't go running off like that!" He chastised, but clearly wasn't angry. He knew a good scolding and, in severe cases, the threat of informing Lord Elrond would usually be enough to keep those under his command in line. And then there was also the dreaded task of cleaning out the stables...

"Come on!" Called Estel. "Let's go in. I at least aim to be in a real bed again tonight, even if I have to go alone because my own escort was too busy standing at the edge of the forest-"

He was cut off by a grumpy-looking Tinu. "Oh no young human, it will take at least a week to reach King Thranduil's halls, so mind your tongue and lets go!"

Sighing, Estel was about to nudge his horse into the forest before him, when he was stopped by Tinu.

"I'll go first my boy. Better to have an elf at the front or you'll lose the path."

At a nod from Aragorn, Tinu headed to the front and posted Îdhír as the rearguard before heading into the darkness of the trees.

The moment he entered the forest, Estel felt the trees whispering and murmuring at his presence. He knew the wood elves could communicate with the forest, but he unfortunately had absolutely no clue what the trees were saying, but from the look of it, it wasn't positive.

Swallowing nervously, he tried to drown out the ominous whispers and focus on the paths ahead.

✧ ★ ✧

Finally. The small party walked their horses along the narrow, winding path towards the gates of the Elvenking's palace.

All the fear and worry that Estel had been holding back returned and he faltered slightly, gazing upon the magnificently carved structure.

He pressed on at an encouraging smile from Îdhír, knowing that he should arrive at the front, showing that he was supposed to be in charge.

Approaching at the head of the party, he stopped before the gates, confused for a moment at how to enter before the gates creaked open, seemingly by themselves.

Slightly taken aback, the young man dismounted and passed his horse, Roheryn, to a servant who came to take him. He bowed deeply to King Thranduil, a hand over his heart and formally introduced himself.

"I am Estel, son of Lord Elrond of Rivendell, and I am come to represent him at your kind invitation."

"Welcome, Estel, to The Woodland Realm." He spoke kind words, but his cold, heartless eyes said otherwise and spoke of a cruel, cold elf beneath the layers of kindness he wore. Estel gulped.

"You and your escort will now be taken to your chambers, if you have no protests."

"None at all. Thank you for your kindness."

As he was led away, he had the uncomfortable feeling that there was more to this king than met the eye. And that if he didn't discover it soon, there may be terrible consequences. There may have already been terrible consequences, and the prospect was not at all appealing.

If only Aragorn knew how right he was about Thranduil's dark side! Thank you everyone who has read this!

Oh, don't forget to vote :P

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