Chapter 28-Titles & Turmoil

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Mia's POV 

I sighed, the kind of sigh that was also a swoon.He called me his girlfriend which made me so nervous because it felt right, also because I hadn't told Sarah yet and now she was standing in front of me with a very angry expression across her very aesthetic face.
"You're dating him? And you didn't tell me!", she finally exclaimed after several seconds of grunting at me.
"I'm sorry it only happened yesterday, like officially and I didn't even tell anyone, honestly", I explained and that was true, well I only told Penelope and that was when I was leaving her house.
Then I laughed at her facial expression as her dad pulled out of the driveway.

"Still, Mia. I don't know, I feel like you're making a mistake",she said shaking her head.
"A mistake? Sarah, I wasn't sure I would ever be able to move on from Trent but then I met Jamie. He makes me feel happy and I haven't felt that in a while, I'm not making a mistake."
"I just want you to be happy Mia, I don't want you to get hurt, I mean I know how things were with you and Trent." Sarah said hugging me.
"Hurt is inevitable, but it's okay because all hurt heals eventually because healing is also inevitable", I tried to explain but I wasn't sure if Sarah understood because most of the time whatever I say goes over her head.
"Uh-yeah of course but just take it slow with this Jamie guy, I don't like him very much for some reason",Sarah said raising her eyebrows at me.
" You just need to get to know him, I'm sure you two will get along", I assured her.
"I doubt that, but I'd try for you. "
"That means a lot,you know you're a big part of my life now and so is Jamie so I want... "
"Mia! ", the voice echoed through the hallway. Penelope was always so extra and if you pushed hard enough she would admit to that.
By the time she reached me she had her hands on my shoulders and gave me a thorough shake.
" You have a lot to tell me young lady!"
"I'm pretty sure I'm at least four months older than you", I defended.
" What's the meaning of this?", Sarah laughed.
"Sarah, how are you?I saw 'Tiny Tooled Trent' when I walked in. Maybe he's looking for you.
Sarah gave Penelope a nervous look which Penelope excused by excessively talking.
"We have much to discuss so you better open that cute little mouth of yours and I better hear words coming out of it or else I will take you to my house and torture you until you tell me everything that happened between you and Jamie!"
"Calm your farm, there's not much to tell but I will tell you everything",I said shaking my head.
"Thank you, also could you do me a favour after school?",Penelope asked.
"What's up?"
"My dad said I need to come over to your house and drop off some paperwork that your mom needed and since I have to complete that assignment and I have a lot to do now that I'm doing it alone.I was hoping you could just come get the paperwork please", she said hopefully.
"At your service madame. "
"Seriously? "
"Oh please like  you didn't already know I was gonna say yes. "
"Thank you so much Mia, I love you. "
"Of course you do, I'm amazing. "

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