Chapter 25 - Monologues & Moving

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Jamie's Pov

Ever since I could walk, I could kick a ball. My father taught me everything about football.Thanks to him it became the most important thing in my life, right up there with coming top of the class every year.Both my parents instilled a belief that I couldn't be less than the best. So that's how I grew up, while my friends would indulge in childish games I would be doing Geometry and Algebra and when it came to football training it was one on one action with my father, no friendly matches with the boys from the neighborhood or anything. Not that we had a neighborhood to call our own because we moved so much due to the fact that my father became  a Lieutenant Colonel for the Pennsylvania National Guard. From the age of seven till fourteen I had already been to five states including Texas,Michigan,Minnesota, Wisconsin,and Ohio. The first four of course I don't really remember anything of because I was just a child but by the time we moved to Ohio I was fourteen and extremely excited about what the state had to offer me. Of course I thought I had a chance of becoming a wrestler because Dean Ambrose my idol at the time was from Ohio although he was from Cincinnati and we moved to Massillon I still had a dream that I didn't plan on giving up on.
Spending almost four years in Ohio made me get comfortable there.
My father always said that he wanted his family with him. If I knew one thing about my father is that family was extremely important to him. So I was confused as to why we hadn't packed up and moved yet although I was surprised when all of a sudden he came home one day and said we're moving to Oregon. Well I wasn't surprised but I felt pain, leaving my life behind.
I felt like I fitted in there, I was captain of the the football team, my grade point average was exceptional,I had made good friends there and even though I was recovering from a toxic relationship it wasn't so bad that it made me want to leave the state.
As valid as my points were to any normal person, to my father they were of no value and of course I couldn't argue with a 'family man'. A family man that took most if not all of his frustration out on his oldest son from the age of nine.
So after getting a bruised torso just for asking if there was some possibility we didn't have to move or I could stay with a friend, we made our way to Ashwood, Oregon.
I didn't think I would ever like it here, I told myself I wouldn't but when I saw Mia on the first day of school something happened. Something in me changed. I knew she was the girl for me and that leaving Massillon happened for a reason.
It wasn't just her physical beauty that attracted me although her physical beauty was very evident.
Her hair which was like a beam of light weaved its way into every strand even though there was no sunlight present seemed to cascade effortlessly over her shoulders. In a way that didn't secrete her face but rather complimented it.
Her cinnamon swirl like eyes made me want to dig a hole and bury myself in it, Mia scared me and I wasn't sure if it that was good or bad. I just wanted to protect her and never let anything hurt her but I was scared of her hurting me.
It was as if I wanted to protect my greatest fear.
Mia made me happy again, I never thought I would be happy again. I never thought my life could actually be good. I never thought it could be more than just tests and  football practices but ever since I met Mia nothing else matters. I literally forgot about the end zone or interception,I forgot about football. I didn't care about Othello or whatever literature we were studying in English. Everything was Mia, and Mia was everything. When I looked around the room I would see her and when I would see her I would see my entire universe in her eyes, those pools of cinnamon swirls.
She had become my purpose, my reason, my existence was Mia. My existence will always be Mia.

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