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Chapter 49

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They made it to the final room of the dungeon. Severance wasn't sure how. The last while had been a mere blur. But when he looked at what waited for them, he laughed. There might have been a hysterical note to it, but it was a laugh all the same.

Dappppp hadn't been lying when he said the final Boss was the brain of the dungeon. The little wrinkled goblin-like dude levitating in the middle of the 7th room was literally named The Brain. As soon as they arrived, The Brain glowered and spat on the ground.

Clearly he wasn't impressed with their intrusion.

"Dieee," he hissed, and flailed his little grubby hands. Light shone off his fingers, and Severance realized each finger was adorned with at least four rings of various kinds. The rings went well with the dark blue cape fastened around The Brain's neck. The grandiosity of it was such a stunning contrast with the creature's hideous appearance that Severance couldn't help but stare.


"Admire him later," came Dappppp's voice from behind. "Start running now. He always starts with–"

"Baaaaaallllls of Mud!!" The Brain screeched. He flung up his hands and literal globby balls of mud poofed into existence between them. There were two of them, hovering in midair like it was a normal place for mud to hang out. The Brain pointed at them.

"Move!" Dappppp shouted, and Wellon shoved Severance hard enough to send him sprawling. Severance hit the ground, barely managing to get his hands out in time to save his face.

He scrambled to his feet and saw Wertwert24 standing near the entrance. She wasn't moving, which struck him as odd. Then he noticed she was stuck knee-deep in a literal puddle of mud. Just like the ones from before.

This again? Then he spotted a second mud puddle sitting right where he'd been standing a few seconds ago. Yikes.

"They spawn where you are, so as soon as he shouts it, you gotta run," Dappppp told them. "And they last for two cycles!"

"Cycles?" Severance repeated, voice rising with his eyebrows.

"Shoulda listened when I was explaining things," the Rainblade sniffed. He paused to summon his single translucent blade before sprinting towards The Brain.

I was listening!! Severance ground his teeth. He threw an angry glare at Wellon, who was already attacking The Brain with a quiet grace.

The little goblin dude growled, but he didn't actively react to the blades hacking at him. Severance soon realized why—the blades barely pierced his wrinkled skin, no matter how fiercely they attacked. The damage dealt was minimal.

"Up to you, Legacy!" Dappppp called out.

The Cryomancer stood in a wide stance, hands raised and his focusing bracelets glimmering around his wrists. A look of intense concentration settled over his face, his eyes narrowing, brow furrowed and jaw muscles clenched to the point where he appeared quite heroic.

Severance wondered if he would ever be able to pull off such an impressive look. Probably not. He sighed, readying his war fans. "Earth Dance."

Warmth seeped into him, a faint green breeze curling around his fans, brushing against his wrists. It was an odd sensation, but he found he didn't mind it at all. It felt peaceful. Soothing.

Legacy's lips moved, forming words that Severance never could hear. The guy had to be actually talking, since the System seemed to work only with verbal commands, but he had to have been the world's quietest talker. Severance wondered if Legacy was like that in real life. If so, he should call up the World's Guinness Book of Records people and collect his trophy.

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