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Chapter 32

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When they reached the bat room, Severance was immensely relieved to see all the bats clinging to the ceiling in deep slumber. Awesome Dude, on the other hand, appeared disappointed that none attacked.

"Maybe we should wake them up," he suggested. "They're good experience, you know."

"Experience?" Maun sounded interested. The sound of his footfalls were absent, creating the impression that he was floating over the bridge they now crossed. On either side of them, deep crevasses yawned, their depths impossible to determine.

Awesome Dude grinned. "Yeah! Fighting them helps you get stronger. Sev, you should fight them!"

"No thanks," Severance immediately refused. He had no desire to fight a million bats. They creeped him out to no end.

"C'mon, it's worth it."

"They're sleeping." Why would they want to disturb them when they were sleeping peacefully? Who would even do such a silly thing?

Severance narrowed his eyes at Awesome Dude. This guy. This guy would do it.

Something fell from the ceiling, landing right at Severance's feet with a thump. Startled, Severance leapt backwards. It was a bat, with a long dagger buried suspiciously in its eyeball.

Maun calmly walked over. He leaned down, grabbed the hilt of the dagger, and tugged it free. Lightly spinning it around once, he tucked it back into the sheath strapped to his outer thigh.

Severance sucked in his breath. Maun had done this? Maun?! "Why did you do that?"

His only response was a cheerful smile. "Experience," the clansman said lightly. He jerked a thumb upwards. Slowly, Severance lifted his gaze. He paled.

Dozens of bats moved, stretching out their wings and baring little fangs. As he watched, more began to wake up and move, making the entire ceiling ripple with bats.

"Experience?" He repeated, his tone rising in pitch. "You don't need experience!"

"No," Maun agreed. "But you do."

"I don't!"

"Aaaah!" Momo shrieked as a bat dropped from the ceiling and swooped down at her. She raised her arms, covering her face.

"Don't worry, they don't bite too hard. It'll be fine." Maun looked relaxed, like he was soaking in a hot tub instead of having just enraged an entire swarm of bats. Severance wanted to hit him.

"Hahaha! Here they come!" Like Maun, Awesome Dude failed to be concerned. He twirled, arms outstretched as if to welcome their guests.

Bats dove from the ceiling, streaking straight towards the small group. Severance inhaled sharply and ducked as one came right at him. He felt a rush of wind stir his hair, and heard the beat of the creature's wings as it swooped past.

Howling with delight, Awesome Dude swiped at passing bats. He actually managed to get one, and it fell to the bridge.

Another winged right past Severance's head, and a small flash of heat scored through his ear. He yelped and clamped a free hand to the side of his head. His fingers registered warm liquid, and when he pulled his hand away, he saw blood coating his fingertips.

He shuddered. These things better not have rabies.

Maun cheerfully called out over the screeching din. "Look alive, kids! Or they'll take you apart."

Great. This is just great. Severance raised his staff. Another leaf had turned orange, which was mildly concerning. "Radiant Dome!"

As the shimmering dome slid down over them, Maun stepped right into the path of a few hundred bats as they swooped down the middle of the bridge. His entire body was obscured as they closed in around him.

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