The Words that Bind (Feedback)

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I will start off by saying this story is rich in description and the writing flows well. There were some very minor errors. I think if the author goes through it a few times she can fix them all. They weren't too distracting.

The summary is informative enough so I did have a sense of what I was getting into reading with the heavy dipping into BDSM. I don't know much about it but it was evidently well researched. I honestly had no idea what a munch was until I read this haha. Obviously I'm not very much into BDSM.

The characters aren't unlikeable but they're just very typical. Luna is klutzy, awkward, innocent and blushes easily and Jacob is suave and eloquent. But I don't feel like either of them have any depth at all. Jacob calls Luna his little mouse which maybe is a BDSM thing but I found it to be creepy. And Luna has the libido and thought the process of a sixteen-year-old who just discovered sex and has a new crush every day. She finds Dylan cute while lusting after Jacob and just acts like a lovestruck school girl.

I also didn't even get Luna's true motivation for attending the munch in the first place. It was explained it the first chapter and it still made no sense to me. Why would a person with a horribly low sex drive have any interest in something solely driven by sexual desire? Her character isn't consistent and I didn't find her to be realistic either. I felt like it would have made sense if she did have a sex drive but was just awkward. This would have aligned better with her decisions.

And Jacob is like every other male character in an erotic romance. He's charismatic, he's unbelievably hot, he's smart. And he's super attracted to the lead character. It's really all there is about him. He's a very cliched male character and that alone makes it difficult for me to root for him or even care about him.

There were also a few parts that left much to be desired. Like at the party, it was mentioned there was a crowd gathered having a conversation but we don't even know what the conversation is. And in chapter seven, it's pointed out that Jacob and Luna exchanged texts because she had questions about the readings he sent her. But there was no scene of this unfolding. The story jumps from her at the show to her sex dream about Jacob with giant gaps in between those events.

BDSM stories aren't my thing but I'm always willing to give all genres a chance, given that there's a compelling plot and the characters are multifaceted and interesting. I didn't mind the plot in this book but the characters just aren't engaging enough. As I brought up before, Luna would have been a better character if she was a timid woman with a high libido. And with Jacob, I might have liked his character more if he wasn't thinking about how hot Luna was all the time and referring to her as 'sweetheart' and 'mouse'. As is, I personally wouldn't read further.



I read only two chapters and what I realized that Luna used to be energetic and easy to be submitted but when her last Dom dismissed her. He made her feel like she's not worthy enough to be a submissive. But Jacob, on the other hand, he's quite a mystery to me. So I gonna read Book 1 since I already read half of Book 2. And sadly I was forced to read it to understand the plot of the story. I honestly didn't feel anything at all. I mean the story is good but the way how a new sub is considered as vulnerable kinda reminds of one of the stories I read a few months ago. But still, the story is good but very confusing to me.



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