Fierce Protection (Feedback)

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What did you think the book was about?

From the blurb, it wasn't real clear. It was only after I read the synopsis of the previous book that I got this was a poly relationship and that she was a musician. I think that a rewrite of the blurb might help. I did know that it was erotica going in, but not from the blurb.

Did you feel that the book fulfilled your expectations?


What about the plot? Did it pull you in; or did you feel you had to force yourself to read the book?

The plot wasn't very deep. But, it's erotica; I didn't expect it to be deep. I didn't have to force myself to read it at all. In fact, I read the whole thing.

Do the characters seem real and believable? (Basically, can you relate to their predicaments?

Yes, they felt very relatable. But then, I know polyamory and female led relationships, so that would feel familiar to me.

How was the pacing of the chapters you read? (Consider if the scenes skipped or jumped randomly. Too fast or too slow? Why?)

I thought that it as fine. Had the plot been more complex, I would have expected it to be faster paced.

How was the description of the chapters you read? (Consider if there where any information bumps.)

I must have found them to be fine since none of them stick out in my head as being awful. LOL

Describe what you liked or disliked about the writer's style? Why?

I liked how realistic life was... it portrayed poly relationships to be real relationships. I also enjoyed how well written the sex scenes were. There's nothing worse than bad sex scenes!

Would you read more of the author's work?

Yes. If I have the time, I want to go back and read the first novel.

Comments on the writer's strongest, weakest writing trait, help request and give your overall personal thoughts.

Strength: Believable dialogue and relationships dynamics. - Yes, I can see this as a strength. Very well done!

Weakness: Editing - I only saw a few things here and there. I would have pointed them out, but this book group doesn't seem to like comments like that in the books.

Overall, a very enjoyable book!


Seriously there is not much I can say about your writing style and books, other than I freaking LOVE them!!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Seriously there is not much I can say about your writing style and books, other than I freaking LOVE them!!

The way you make all your characters so different, but believable as well. Even when the book is supposed to be about one certain couple you take the time to highlight how different each dynamic for the others is.

Erotic Book Club (E.B.C) 2019حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن