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I'm having a free period and turns out,Jaeden is as well. So here we are hanging out together at the library sitting next to each other. I'm reading the book I picked from the shelf. I can't focus since I can feel eyes on me as I read. I look at Jaeden and he's staring at me with a smile.

I look at him in confusion as I look beside me. I mean,there are possibilities that there's another girl beside me. But there isn't cuz it's just us in the library now. "What are you looking at,Jae?" He chuckled and end it with a smile. I just smile back at him as I wait for him to answer. "You,of course."

"May I ask why?"

"Cuz looking at you makes me feel at ease. Is that an acceptable reason?" His statement makes my cheeks started heating up. I can already tell that my face is red right now. Jess,calm down. "I'm not answering that question so let's get back to reading since we have nothing better to do." I shrugged as I turned my attention back to my book trying to clam myself down.

"I have something better to do than reading. You wanna know what it is?" I look at him who's smiling widely. Gosh,he's so good looking. How can I not blush when he say sweet things? Ergh,annoying. I nodded as a sign for him to continue. "I'd like to confess to you my true feelings towards you so I'm just gonna say it now. I like you,Jess. Like a lot and ever since the day I met you,I couldn't stop thinking about you. Also, I've known that you're my neighbour since you moved but I act like I don't cuz you've been my crush ever since."

Wow,I'm officially at loss of words. I've never had anyone confessing to me about things like this. "W-why? I mean like there are other girls in this world so why me?" He chuckled at what I said while my cheeks are heating up again. Ohmygod,I can't believe Jaeden out of anyone in this world confessed to me that he likes me. "It's gonna sound cheesy but I just couldn't find another girl who's like you."


"You don't have to say anything if what I said made you speechless. I just want you to know that I like you all along and you were never invisible to me."
_ _ _
It's now 3 in the morning and I woke up to the sound of someone walking back and forth outside my room. I just hope that's not a ghost. I get off my bed and put on a robe to cover my body since I'm wearing a sleeveless top with a booty short. I opened my bedroom door revealing Jeremy.

He got his bags packed and he look at me like he have been caught doing something bad. "Hey,what's with the bag all packed? Are you leaving?" He cleared his throat as he turned his body facing me fully. I crossed my arms over my chest as I wait for his answer. "Well,my house is renovated so I guess I should move back in there."

"Oh. Were you planning on leaving without a goodbye or something?" He sighed loudly as he look at me with guilt. I bite my bottom lip as I look at him in the eyes. "I-I didn't want to wake you up and I just found out that my house is fully renovated a few minutes ago." He shrugged.

"I guess I'll see you at school then?" He smiled at me as he nodded. I open my arms as a sign for him to hug me and he shyly hug me. "Thank you for letting me stay. It means a lot to me." We pull away and he look at me in the eyes. He kisses my forehead as he whisper something to me that I can't believe he would.

"I like you a lot,Jess. I don't think I'd ever be able to think of you as a friend only." He let go of me leaving me speechless before picking up his bags and head downstairs to leave. I watch him as he walked away.

What do I do? Both of them confessed to me and of course I'd have to answer. Who should I choose? If I choose Jaeden,Jeremy will be heartbroken. But if I choose Jeremy,Jaeden will be heartbroken. I never even asked to be in this situation but here I am.


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