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I'm walking down the hallway with my sleepy eyes cuz I woke up a few minutes earlier than my usual time. Plus,I slept very late because of yesterday's tragedy. I just hope they wouldn't come across me at all today. I arrived my locker and I unlock it before taking out the books I need for the day.

I startled as Clary out of nowhere greet me. "Hey,what's up?" I look at her annoyedly while she's looking at me in confusion. She put her phone in her pocket before leaning her side against the locker next to mine. "Woah,what's with you today?"

I look around her which made her kind of worried. "Who are you looking for?" I continue looking around and sighed in relief since I don't see any sign of the boys. I'm just not prepared to see the two of them. "I'm kinda planning on avoiding Jaedenn and Jeremy for a very long period of time."

She chuckled at what I said and ended it with a smile. I look at her annoyedly as I slammed my locker shut. "Jaeden,I understand. Jeremy,why?" I almost forgot the fact that I didn't tell her about what happened. I lean in closer to whisper to her about what happened. "Last night,Jeremy got back from the bar and got really wasted so I helped him to go up to his room. He uh...he kinda kissed me?"

"Dude,this is so exciting! But why are you planning on avoiding them though?" Did she seriously ask me that? I sighed loudly while she's still there looking at me confusingly. "Imagine this,okay? Both of your crush that you never expect to even glance at you,kissed you on the same day. Would you freak out and avoid them or just meet the both of them at the same time while acting like nothing happened?"

"Oh,I understand what you mean now. That'll be hella awkward." I nodded at her since she finally agree with me. Mostly,she wouldn't agree with me on things like this. "I need your help though which is stopping Jeremy and Jaeden from seeing me for a very long time."

"Yeah,I got it. But Jeremy is your housemate though,how are you going to avoid him in the house?" That's when an idea popped into my brain. My brother,Gale. He can come back so that he'll spend time with me and that'll keep me from talking to Jeremy. Yes,that's what I have to do. "I'll convince Gale to come back,I guess."

"Wow,that baby boy of yours. Haven't seen him in a while,how is he doing?" We started walking towards our class since we're classmates. I shrugged before replying to her. "He's okay. Being suspended sounds like a miracle to him,honestly." That made Clary chuckled and I just smile.
_ _ _
Clary's POV
I'm walking with Jessica down the hallway after we finished our last period. We started talking about some random things before she stopped her track with her eyes wide open. I look at what she's looking at and it's the boys. Thankfully they're not looking our way.

"Go through the second exit,they never leave using that exit. Hurry." She ran away without hesitation. I keep on my brave face as I walk towards the boys with a smile. I waved at them which made them all wave at me back happily except for Jeremy and Jaeden who looked confused and worried.

I stopped my track as I'm in front of the boys. "Hey,Clary." I smiled at Ben who greet me happily. Should I talk to Jeremy and Jaeden about what's going on? "Clary,do you know where Jess is? I saw her this morning but she just keeps on avoiding me all day." Jaeden stated worriedly which made Jeremy rolled his eyes but I know that he's also curious.

"Uhh..Jaeden and Jeremy,come with me for a sec." They nodded before following me to the side since we were standing in the middle of the hallway just now. I sighed loudly as I look at both of them. "Okay,do you guys remember what actually happened yesterday?" Both of them nodded before answering my question at the same time.

"I kissed Jessica."

"I kissed Jessica."

I closed my eyes while Jaeden is looking at Jeremy in shocked while Jeremy is pretty much expressionless. Jaeden being shocked is expected but Jeremy being expressionless is definitely not expected. Jaeden's face turned into a serious one that never fail in scaring the boys. "What the hell? Jeremy,tell me you're joking." Maybe this was a bad idea after all.

"Do I look like I'm in the mood to joke around right now?" Jeremy rolled his eyes before looking away from Jaeden which made Jaeden scoffed unbelievably. Jaeden turned his whole body to face Jeremy who's ignoring his stare. "What were you thinking? You know I like her from the start. Why would you kiss her without-"

"So? You kissed her first eventhough you already know that I like her." Now I'm shocked. Jessica didn't tell me that Jeremy knew about Jaeden being her first kiss. Wait,unless she didn't. "Jeremy,how did you know that Jaeden was her first kiss?"

"What?! That-that was her first kiss and I didn't even know about it but Jeremy do?!" Jaeden scoffed again only this time he looks more frustrated. He must be feeling guilty now. Even I'm feeling guilty now so just imagine how Jaeden must be feeling now. "Of course you wouldn't know since you just kiss her without her wanting it."

That made Jaeden glare at Jeremy and I'm terrified just looking at the expression Jaeden is having on his face now. "Tell me something,did she kiss you back when you did?" Jeremy look at Jaeden and I can tell he's scared too. I bite my bottom lip since the atmosphere in around me right now is intense."N-no. It's just that I-"

"So stop acting like she's actually into you and not me." With that,Jaeden left me and Jeremy there speechless. Wow,I don't even know if what I did was the right thing or the wrong thing to do. My intention was to help them but I didn't expect Jaeden to act like that since I thought Jaeden knew about everything.


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