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Tatum and Bailey sprint to Tatum's car after the last bell of the day rings. Tatum starts up her car and leans back in her seat, letting out a breath of relief. Bailey looks at the dashboard before letting out a small snort. The sisters look at each other and give it a moment before they bust out ugly laughing.

"Mon dieu! Did you see her face? I can't believe you said that!" Bailey snorts out while folding over and laughing even harder. The sisters calm down and slowly look up at each other, trying to keep themselves chill. The two look deeply into the other's eyes.

"Buh-bye!" the two say simultaneously before bursting into another fit of laughter. Bailey starts snorting and sets Tatum off the edge, making her laugh harder; if possible. The two settle down and stop for real this time. Tatum buckles herself in and reverses the car.

"God, today has been a fun day."



Tatum and Bailey talk about their classes and all that crap while driving home. The topic of boys rolls around and Tatum starts teasing her sister, who has a very rocky romantic life.

"What about that teacher, huh?" Tatum teases, bumping her sister's elbow with her own. Tatum kept her eyes on the road but kept her sister on her feet.

"That isn't going to happen."

"Okay, what about any other guys in school?" Tatum asks, taking the hint that Bailey didn't want to talk about the hot literature teacher that apparently almost all the girls in the school had a crush on.

"Well, there is this super hot family at school. Most of them are seniors and I have classes with a few of them," Bailey says, pulling out her phone from her backpack and unlocking it.

"Oh really? Are any of them single?" Tatum asks, suddenly somewhat intrigued. She hadn't spotted an insanely attractive family roaming around the school, why had Bailey?

"Three of them, actually. I'll point one out during school tomorrow."

"I might just find myself a mans."


September 4th

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September 4th

The fifth day of school was somewhat...exciting for Forks High School. The babe called Tatum Fernsby had her most comfortable dress on and had her hair down and cute minimal makeup on. She also had her favorite red velvet scrunchie, that was passed down by her mom, ready on her wrist for use.

As she had been doing for the previous four days, Tatum took a seat next to Keith in History III. She was slowly beginning to understand Mr. Kate's exhilaration about history. This past week's lesson had been about the roaring '20s.

"Okay, kiddos! We've been talking about the mild parts of the '20s. Now, it's time for the wild parts! Can someone give me an example of a wild '20s event?" Mr. Kate asks his first-hour class enthusiastically. Few students raise their hands, Tatum being one that had raised her hand. Mr. Kate points to her and she clears her throat softly.

"The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre of 1929?" Tatum asks more than answers. Mr. Kate claps his hands together and hops over to his presentation. He scrolls through a few slides before landing on the event mentioned.

"Who was apart of the massacre, Miss Fernsby?" Mr. Kate asks her, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Uh, Mr. Al Capone and Mr. Bugs Moran's gangs. There were seven deaths from Moran's gang and Capone's gang was left mainly unharmed," Tatum says nervously. She was wringing her hands together underneath the table.

"Actually, there were only six deaths, Miss Fernsby."

"No, there were seven, Mr. Kate." Tatum defends. The two bicker back and forth before another hand raises and Mr. Kate calls on the student.

"She's right, there were seven. Peter and Frank Gusenberg, Albert Kachellek, Adam Heyer, John May, Albert Weinshank-"

"And Reinhardt Schwimmer. Seven deaths." Tatum spins around in her seat to look at the student who agreed with her. He looks at her emotionless. Wavy, honey blonde hair that reaches just below his chin. Eyes like a block of gold. Skin as pale as snow and as smooth as a baby's bottom.

"So he must be from that super hot family," Tatum mumbles under her breath. She looks back at the guy and notices a smirk on his face. He looks her in the eye and waits for her to react, but she doesn't.

"Lemme' look this up and we'll see about that, Miss Fernsby and Mr. Hale," Mr. Kate says while sitting down at his desk and pulling up Wikipedia. He searches for minutes, in the meantime, his students chat with each other. Tatum heads over to the empty seat next to the dude that defended her.

"Either you're a history whizz or you were pulling that out of your ass," Tatum states to the boy. He laughs very softly and shakes his head, his smirk never leaving his face.

"Why can't I just know things?" he asks her jokingly, staring right at her. She smiles softly, feeling a tingling feeling of happiness wash over her.

"'Cause that's my job, sir."

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