1. Chapter

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"Good work (Y/n)! See you tomorrow" my boss yelled after me. I turned my head to smile at her before continuing my way home.

I worked in this nice little restaurant whenever I wasn't studying. It was exhausting, but I had bills to pay.

I made my way trough the busy streets as fast as possible. I wanted home fast, so I could study a bit more, and have time for sleeping. Other reason for hurrying would be the people. It was late Friday night, and this part of town was full of nightclubs and bars.

The stench of alcohol was disgusting, and the people wearing it were unstable. I was getting used to it, but I still didn't like it. Especially the shouting. Sometimes they shouted to each other, sometimes to people walking by them. I wasn't interested in what they had to say, so I tried not to listen.

The walk between my flat and my workplace wasn't too long. It was around 30 minutes during the day, but I'll make it in 15 if I walk fast enough.

I stopped, seeing someone walked right in front of me. I stared at the man, who noticed me now. I gave him space, so he could continue wherever he was going, but he only stared back at me. I grew annoyed by the second and finally tried walking past him.

"What's your name, beautiful?" he stepped in front of me and asked. I gave him a cold look and tried to walk past him again. I didn't even bother answering him.

"Don't wanna talk, huh? Its okay, I can do the talking for you" the guy said, and started walking beside me. The last thing I wanted was anyone following me home, so I stopped again.

"Get lost" I said, trying to look as convincing as I could. Most of the time it worked, but now I was a little nervous. This guy didn't seem to be drunk at all. But otherwise he didn't stand out. He had a nice blond hair, and he seemed to be the same age as I was. He was also good looking, now that I took a better look.

"There is no reason to be so rude, sweetie. I just want to walk you home. To make sure nothing happens to you" he said and smiled. He seemed genuine, but I knew better than to trust strangers.

"I'm fine, thanks. I can take care of myself" I said. I was getting mentally ready to argue with him about letting me go by myself. This guy seemed like he wouldn't take no for an answer. I was wrong.

"Then I think I should let you go. If you're sure you manage?" he said, backing away. He was waiting for an answer, ready to walk me home if I changed my mind.

"I'm sure. Have a nice evening" I said, ready to get back home. He didn't seem disappointed at all. The man waved me off and walked the opposing direction. I stood there for a few seconds to make sure he didn't turn back around before getting back on my way.

I didn't use to be this suspicious of other people. In fact, it started when I moved in this city. Before I lived in a small town, but I moved away for college. I had to move to this part of town because the rent around here was a lot cheaper. Of course, there is a reason for it. There has been kidnappings, murders and sexual assaults around here. I haven't been a victim to anything, but I don't want to be either. I tried getting any kind of apartment from the other side of this town. There wasn't anything I could afford. I was thinking about the dorms too, but they were even more expensive.

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