Chapter Fourteen.

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Chapter Fourteen.

"Do you want to dance?"

"Uh not yet, Case. I'm just waiting for Tony."

"Why? You live with him and see him everyday don't you?" He said, rather rude might I add.

"Oi, don't need to be rude the the lady." Someone said, butting in. I turned around and it was Joe. He was dressed as a caveman. I giggled because he looked funny. He rested his arm on my shoulder.

"It's none of your business. Now scurry along."

"No, no. It's cool. Joe's my buddy, aren't ya?" I say.

"Course, we're best buds!" Casey rolled his eyes and walked off. "What's got his panties in a twist?"

"I don't know. He just seems moody. It's unusual because he ain't usually like this."

"Yeah he has problems."

"Right.. Anyways, Tony arrived yet?"

"Yeah he's just there." I looked where Joe was pointing and didn't expect what I saw. His date was Sandra!! And he has a go at me for banging his friend. He has some nerve! But boy did Sandra look amazing. She was a zombie bride like in that movie Corpse Bride. She is rocking that costume. Sandra spotted us and they both came over.

"Well, well, well. Aren't you a hypocrite?"

"Yeah well I er- this is different."

"It's absolutely not different. Are you guys erm doing the er dirty?" Sandra and Tony went bright red and didn't look at me. "Bloody hypocrite you are!" I was angry now. He has a go at me for sleeping with Alex when he's sleeping with my friend. I walked out of the hall and just roamed around the halls.

I ended up bumping into someone. "Dammit. Watch where you're going jerk."

"Wow, chill Abigail."

"Oh, sorry Alex."

"What's wrong?" He slung his arm around my shoulders.

"Stupid Tony being a damn hypocrite."

"Why, what's he done now?"

"He's been sleeping with Sandra and has the nerve to have a go at me sleeping with you. What a freakin' hypocrite. That damn bast-"

"Alright, alright. It's okay. Just calm down. Just forget what he's said. Who cares what he has to say? He's not the boss of you."

"Yeah I know but it's just.. Oh I don't know."

"Well this may be a bad time.. But you look absolutely stunning as well as mighty sexy." He said, winking.

"Thanks, at least someone thinks so." I mumble. "What are you meant to be?"

"I'm hulk. Can't you tell from my greeness and the fact I'm wearing purple shorts and no top?"

"You obviously had to pick a costume that didn't need a shirt."

"Yep." He said, popping the 'p'.

"Well you look great."

"Thanks sweet cheeks."

"Sweet cheeks?"

"Yeah, you got some sweet ass cheeks." I blushed but still scowled at him anyways.

"Hm okay."

"So, want to go and dance..? Since after all this is a dance."

"Alright then." We walked into the hall chatting and as we entered, Casey came up to us. "Oh hey Casey." I say, smiling.

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