Chapter 23: I Wouldn't Be So Sure

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"That's the third time you've called. you are not a cop or federal agent you don't have to authority to-"

I cut the chief of police off in mid sentence.

"With all due respect sir, I don't give a damn. we have to stop Andrew."

"And we will."

"He's dangerous. of we are going to put that man in jail."

The officer sipped on his coffee and we argued in the interrogation room.

It's been almost a year since Clara had been in the clutches of that man.

Her condo, had been reconstructed and all of her belonging have been replaced. excepts for the things that were burned to ash.

The investigation is almost over, once Clara is back home and safe that man will never see her again.

We aren't worries about her getting pregnant due to the fact she can't have kids.

After the wreck, she was in such bad shape and the one things that's ruined for good is the chance of her having her own kids.

"Listen, I don't care is I'm not an agent or cop or whatever. I know the way to Andrew Collins complex and I taking you to it. end of discussion. gather a s.w.a.t team and back up men and we will leave for the mountains once we make sure everything is perfect."

"Why the mountains?"

"That's wear he lives. and just so you know, only I know the his address. see you tomorrow chief."


I woke up and tries to stretch but I couldn't.

When I could see straight again I noticed my ankles and wrists were restrained to the bed.

I was still in Andrews shirt from the night before. My head was killing me.

The shirt was still unbuttoned, leaving me in just a bra and underwear.

The room was dark due to the fact the thick black curtains were covering the only window in the room.

"It's about time you woke up."

I whimpered in pain and fear.

My breathing hitched in my throat as he started walking closer to the bed and I started trying to loosen the bonds, which failed.

"What-what time is it?"

"One o'clock pm."

My mouth hung open in shock we I kept my gaze on him. had I really slept in this late.

"Are you checking me out?"

I remembered he asked me the same thing when we met at déjà vu the night Jess and I went there.

Jess. my only best friend.

The thought is her brought tears to my eyes. She was the nicest person I've ever met, and Andrew had her killed.

Tears started spilling down my eyes.

"I hate you." I said through clenched teeth.

"Why don't you say that again. a little louder this time sweetheart."

"I HATE YOU!" I yelled.

"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOU, I-I hate you."

My sobs started growing louder.

"My only friend is dead because of you. you're a monster"

He sat beside me and his hand started trailing up my arm sending chills down my spine.

"I had too. but princess you have to remember in not the one who killed her."

He started undoing the bonds in my ankles and wrists.

I sat up and backed against the headboard as he leaned forward.

"I need to s-shower."

"Bathrooms right there."

I jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom locking the door behind me.

I stripped off my clothes and undergarments then turned the shower on.

Once the water was warm enough I got in.

After I finished showering I wrapped the towel around me. when my hair was dry I noticed I forgot my clothes.

"Shit." I whispered to myself.

I opened the door and made sure Andrew wasn't in the room, when I didn't see him I started walking to the closet only to be slammed against a wall.

One if my hands was keeping the towel from falling down and the other was pinned against the wall by hands hand. his other hand was in my hip.

"A-Andrew, I'm not dressed." I whispered.

"So it's not like I haven't seen you naked before. Remember we have-"

"Please... stop."

I didn't want to hear him say it. I didn't want him to say what we did.

I wish I could get away from here and be home but at the same time there something about Andrew that's just completely unexplainable.

"You know angel, Stockholm disorder is a real thing. You know, falling in love with you captor. it's real."

"You think I'm falling in love with you?" I said shocked.

"Sweetheart I don't think, I know you are. you can't hide from me."

I got out of his grip and ran to the closest and changed into a tee shirt and sweat pants.

"Just so you know. I will never love you. and when the cops find me your ass is going to jail and I'll never see you again." i spat as I walked toward the door.

My head forcefully came into contact with the fall and I fell to the ground groaning in agony.

I was him smirking and he stood above me.

"I wouldn't be so sure princess. you're mine."

My eyes slowly started to close and finally darkness surrounded me.

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