Chapter 4: The Cellar

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I woke up and the the sun shining through the curtains. I sat up slowly and saw Andrew asleep on the floor of my side.

He was snoring quietly.

"I have to get out of here." I whispered.

When I saw the door a plan came to mind, he's asleep, he can't stop me.

I quietly crawled the other way and tip toes to the door, once I opened it I took of running down the steps and out the door.

I kept running and running until my lungs felt like they were about to collapse.

I stopped for a moment to breath and suddenly I remembered everything.

Andrew was the one who took those pictures and brought me here. He kidnapped me.

"CLARA!" I heard Andrew yell.

"Shit." I whispered to myself and started running again.

I didn't know where I was going I just wanted to get the hell away from him.

I had to find a gas station or something to get help.

Sudden I was being felt my head collide with the cold snow, I was tackled to the ground. flipped me over so that my back was to the cold, snowy ground.

Andrew straddled my waist and held both of my wrist in one of his hands and with the other he pulled out a syringe from his pocket and bit the cap off of it.

I started to panic and did my best to try and get free.

"Hold still."

I cried out in pain when the needle was jabbed into my arm.

Suddenly my body felt paralyzed, I couldn't move.

"I told you last night, I'm not letting you go. And I meant exactly what I said." he voice was dark and angry.

My eyes felt droopy.

"I" I whispered.

I saw his facial features change before my eyes slowly closed.


"I hate you." she whispered.

Hearing her words made angry and sad at the same time.

Her eyes slowly closed and that's when I knew the drug had kicked in.

I grabbed her waist, picking her up and threw her over my shoulder.

I couldn't keep her somewhere I knew she could escape.

Once I got back to my house I didn't go inside, this time I went around the back of the house where there was a cellar door.

The cellar is only used for major snow storms, but before I took Clara I installed a useful item.

I opened one of the doors then the other, then I walked down the dark steps with Clara still on my shoulder.

I walked over to where I installed restraints.

The restraints were chains connected to the wall and at the end of the chains were a handcuff on each one.

I laid her on the cold cemented floor and grabbed one of the restraints and tightened it around her wrist, then I did the other.

There was about two feet of chain, she would be able to stand up.

But before i walked out i pulled the string on the only light source turning it on, which was a single lightbulb that dangled from the ceiling of the basement then I grabbed some more chains that were in the wooden table and a large lock.

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