Chapter 11 - Safe Haven

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Nicassius was running, something was hunting her, a darkness that she could not see, but she could feel it's evilness and it was calling her name. She struggled to move her legs through the thick undergrowth and the roots of the trees seemed to come alive and were grabbing at her ankles, pulling her back. She looked over her shoulder and saw the blackness coming for her, unable to shift her body forward she fell to the ground and she gasped for breath then she let out a scream as the evilness surrounded her......

"Nicassius" she woke up to see Legolas leaning over her "it was just a dream" he said tenderly, his tone concerned.

"Legolas" she said relieved and to his surprise she pushed herself up into his arms, she was breathing fast and he could feel her heart beating hard into her chest. "Shhh" he soothed as he held her tightly until she calmed down. "Would you like to tell me about it?" He asked when she eventually pulled away, she shook her head and leaned back into the bed.

It was still dark outside, and she must have only slept for a short while until the nightmare had woken her. Her eyes moved towards the fireplace, the flames had died down and the embers glistened bright red casting soft shadows around the room, there was a warm glow from a candle burning on the table in the corner, and a book laid open where Legolas had been sat reading.

It suddenly dawned on her that they were completely alone. She drew her eyes back towards him, he was still leaning over, his gaze fixed on her and he was smiling, a rare thing for this elf she thought, she could not help but smile back. His eyes twinkled as he stroked her hair looking at her longingly, finally she was able to read him, and he gave her a knowing look, she sensed what he was about to do. As he moved his face down towards hers she closed her eyes and waited expectantly. Then her kissed her forehead and she opened her eyes again surprised, he grinned at her, then moved his lips slowly towards her cheek brushing it and gently kissing, then over to her other cheek as she felt his breath rush past her mouth....he was teasing her! She let out a laugh and opened her mouth to speak, only to be silenced straight away by his lips pressing down on hers, he kissed her softly exploring her mouth, as he pulled her up into his arms embracing her more firmly.

Legolas wanted her, he had felt drawn to her since the first moment he saw her and his feelings for her were growing stronger, it wasn't just because of her beauty, indeed she was beautiful for a human, but it was more than that, it was her elegant silence when she was imprisoned, when most people would have screamed down the dungeons. It gracefulness after the Orc attack, never complaining once about her injuries. It was the way she stepped in to defend him from the Orc leader and her bravery when she was being groped by the scum who force her to make her first kill. It was the way she looked at him, like she could see into his very soul. There was something about her, she was different from any human he had ever met, and even if she was a witch, right now he didn't care.

She did not resist him as he kissed her passionately and tenderly. They stayed there, locked in each others arms as the chemistry between them passed through their bodies like a catalyst. Eventually he pulled away and cupped her face into his hands, he nodded suggestively to make sure this was what she wanted. The glint in her eyes gave him his answer and he slowly laid her back down on the bed, his eyes searching her body. His fingers stroked her face then moved from her neck downwards and he leaned over and kissed her again, smoothing his hand down the length of her long legs, then back up as he gently began to remove her cotton slip, she looked beautiful in the soft light of the room, he stood, removing his own clothes, he pulled his shirt over his head to reveal his toned torso, and his eyes never moved from her as they explored the smooth curves of her body while he undressed, then he knelt down besides her and brushed his fingers across her ribs, before softly planting kisses on her bruises, moving upwards to her forehead, then her cheek, then back to her lips. He stretched himself across her, pinning her to the bed as he pulled her hands above her head, wrapping his fingers between her fingers and their bodies moved in sync as their limbs became entwined. He whispered softly in elvish, as his lips navigated over her bare flesh drinking in her scent.

Her skin was as soft as silk and his touch was as light as a feather. He explored her, covering every inch as she quivered beneath him. Finally when he could wait no longer, he locked himself inside her, gently rocking as his mouth moved back to find her lips, and she wrapped herself around him, She shivered as she felt a rush of blood that almost made her dizzy and he breathed her in as a surge of electricity built up inside, they moved slowly, kissing, touching and simmering together like a volcano gradually building up to an inevitable explosion.

"Forgive me" he said afterwards as he lay back and pulled her onto his chest. "What for?" She asked

"I could not resist you, i had no control of myself" he kissed her forehead

"Ah that will be the magic" she joked and he laughed a hearty laugh and pulled her closer kissing her lips.

She lay in his arms as he made soft circle movements on her back with his fingers until she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

It was daylight when Legolas woke her, he sat on the edge of the bed again holding another cup of warm liquid. He was fully dressed and she sat up pulling the blanket over her nakedness.

"Thank you" she said, his expression was kind but serious "what is it?" she asked

"I am concerned about you" he replied touching her forehead as he frowned "you still have a fever but I do not know why as your wound has healed well, almost too well" he moved his hand down stroking her arm. "And your dreams" he paused "they are filled with darkness are they not?"

"Yes" she said remembering she had dreamt the same dream once again "I feel weak, like I'm being weighed down by some force" she blinked and looked downwards "it feels evil, I dream that it is pulling me into darkness and it calls my name"

"We will find a way to heal you" he reassured, lifting her chin up for her to look at him "I will find a way" he spoke sincerely, and his expression turned serious "we must go soon, I have warmed some water for you" he nodded to the table "I will be back shorty, I will make sure it is safe for us to leave" he got up and unlocked the door the vanished outside.

She dipped a cloth into the warm water and washed. It felt soothing as she smoothed it over her arm, the wound had healed so well it was almost gone, yet it still felt painful to touch, in fact her whole body ached with pain. She slipped on her clothes and boots then brushed her fingers through her matted hair trying to smooth it down, before pulling it into a long braid on one side.

Legolas stepped back through the door just as she wrapped her cloak around her shoulders. "Ready" he said holding out his hand. She took one last look around the small cabin, her safe haven, and a feeling of dread ran through her as he lead her back out into of the forest.

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