Chapter 9 - The Taking

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Legolas raised both his daggers ready to fight and just as the Orc leader was about to strike his sword Nicassius stepped forward "No" she shouted with all her might "This elf has been bound to me by a spell, if you kill him I will die too!" She lied as she pushed Legolas's arms down to lower his blades.

"Nicassius, what are you doing?!" Legolas said angrily.

"Trust me" she whispered "otherwise they will kill you and take me anyway!"

"Kill him, we can have elf flesh for dinner" sniggered an Orc.

"Silence!" The Orc leader said as he lowered his sword "we need the witch alive, take them both! Maybe The master will reward us by letting us have the elf to torture after we deliver the witch!" The other orcs sniggered and cheered "yeah, we will torture him" they cried

Legolas knew she was right, he could only protect her if he stayed alive so he allowed himself to be taken, he was striped of his weapons and they were ordered to start walking as they were prodded in the backs by a grim looking creature who eyed Legolas pleasurably as though he was picturing what he might do to the elf if he got his wicked way. Legolas held on to Nicassius pulling her close to him as they continued on.

"Aragorn will come with help" he reassured her.

"Why have they hunted me? and why does everyone in Middle Earth think I am a witch" she asked him.

"I do not know, but I feel there is more to that old woman you came across in the forest".

Nicassius did not have the strength to walk for long and after a couple of hours she began to waver, she tripped over rock, or her own feet she wasn't sure but she fell to the ground, the Orc leader moved towards her ready to grab her but Legolas stepped in quickly 'wrap your arms around my shoulders' he said as he swiftly lifted her up and proceeded to carry her. The Orc grunted and pushed him to speed up.

"You seem to always end up in my arms my lady" he whispered trying to keep her spirits up.

"Im not complaining" she said "I've been in worse places of late".

"Ah yes the prison" he remembered

"Yes, not nicest place to spend the night, I don't recommend it" he felt her lay her head on his shoulder, he could feel the warmth of her fever radiating through her body "we need to get you to safety soon" he whispered.

By night fall they had stopped to rest, Legolas placed Nicassius back on her feet, putting his hand under her chin to look at her "you look terrible, your fever is getting worse".

"Bind them" the Leader ordered as the orcs began to drag her towards a tree "No! She is ill" Legolas shouted, he hit the Orc in the face but he was kicked in the stomach and hit across the head by another, then he was dragged and tied next to her against the tree.

"Are you ok" she whispered after the orcs had finished binding them.

"Yes, please do not worry about me, I will get us out of here soon" he said as his hand searched around the tree for her hand and held on to it.

Nicassius drifted in and out of consciousness as the orcs sniveled together in groups twittering amongst themselves. Every now and then they would start fighting over something trivial like a moldy piece of bread. They didn't pay to much attention to anything but themselves, even when a large rat scurried past, one of them sunk his knife into its back without even looking then began chomping on it which kicked off another argument about him not sharing his meat. Legolas was alert and watching them, trying to think of a plan.

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