Chapter 28- mentally insane

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28|mentally insane

"Liam, have you visited him yet?"
"No boss, I haven't"
"Then go."

I parked my car in one of the sports in the eerily empty carpark. Looking at the old frail gates of the institute wearily, I buzzed the intercom.

What was this place called again? Oh yeah, 'REDSTONE MENTAL HOSPITAL- Professional Mental Instability Treatment Centre since 1920'.

A plump woman open the side gate for me and gestured for me to follow her. Looking back at my car one more time, I shoved my hands into my hoodie pocket and went after her. We stepped into the establishment were I was met with a man at the reception.

"Liam McCoy."
"Not your name, the patient you're here to see's name."
"Oh, Albert Henzel."
"Uh huh. Name?"
"I just said it was Albert Henzel."
"No, I meant your name." The receptionist looked up from his computer screen and stared at me blankly.
"Liam McCoy." I seethed through closed teeth. Honestly, he was just purposely making it hard for me.
"OK, I've got you registered. He's in room 348."

The receptionist waved his hand dismissively and continued looking at his screen. Sighing in annoyance, I walked down the halls. It wasn't till the third level when I found myself standing in front of the room. I discreetly slipped the security some money and made gestures for them to wait further outside throughout the meeting. Pushing the door open, I saw a ragged man sitting at the edge of his bed, reading an old, worn book.

"Mr Henzel?" I asked cautiously, tapping on the wall. Albert jolted out of his daze and faced me, his expression hardening at the sight of me.
"You." He spat.
"Yes, it's me." I replied calmly.
"What do you want?" Albert's hostile gaze bore into my eyes.

"As you would know, I am the de facto boss of the gang 'Silver'. I'm meeting you here on behalf of my skipper who wants to negotiate with you.'ve heard of us Silvers? We've got quite a reputation out here." I smile easily as I saunter into his room, taking a seat on an old rickety chair in the corner.

"I knew I've seen you before. you're the acting boss? Shame...You ain't even the real deal. I wanted to see the organ-grinder but I guess they're only sending the monkey." Albert scoffed. I felt myself prickle in annoyance.

"Look old man, you're way past your expiration date and clearly lost some of your charm. Like seriously? You ended up in this hellhole? Anyways, that's not what I'm here about. My skipper heard that you got some connections and wanted to reach out to you." I casually kick the toilet paper roll that was at my feet.

"Gang connections? No, no. I left my gang years ago and I ain't going back. Nothing good comes from doing business under the table. I sacrificed my family for my gang and I regret that decision deeply. I couldn't even come to my own son's funeral because my boss wanted me to report to him. Leave while you still can, boy. You don't want to be like me; finding the right girl but not being able to do anything in fear of dragging her into your mess." Mr Henzel sighed.

I absorbed his words slowly... 'the right girl'?


I shook myself back into reality, flexing my jaw out of habit. "Right, I respect your own personal choices sir. But I can't leave with nothing to say to my boss."

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